Saturday, November 17, 2012

the best thing

I heard on the news last evening that Hostess bakeries are going out of business. No more Twinkies or Ho-Ho's. Ironic given the approaching season. They are also the bakers of Wonder bread. The bread that helps build strong bodies 12 ways. Honestly, I haven't bought wonder bread in years, opting for the less expensive store brands, but somehow I feel a sadness for this lose. Wonder bread is a part of Americana as far as I am concerned. In reality the corporate headquarters are in Canada and Mexico. American ownership was sold years ago. No matter, doesn't change the image I have.
I did a quick read about Wonder bread. Wonder was one of the first breads to be sold sliced. The article didn't attribute the iconic saying " better than sliced bread " to them but it is a possibility. At first the public didn't think sliced bread was such a great idea. They were afraid it would dry out before you could use it.
Turned out to be not true. Also, as it turns out, white bread has very little nutritional value. As the country became more health conscious Wonder added some nutrients to their bread. At first it was eight ways and then expanded to twelve. Guess twelve was all that was needed because no more have been added since.
Interestingly enough was the fact that Wonder stopped selling their bread sliced during a two year period during the second world war. The steel used to make the saw blades was required for the war effort. I can't help but " wonder " how that would go over today.
The company has been in financial trouble for some time. Bankruptcy proceedings have been ongoing for a number of years. The bakers union went out on strike in protest of salary cuts and reduced benefits. Looks like they struck themselves out of a job ! Eighteen thousand five hundred employees. What a shame. The company says there has been some interest in purchasing a few of the Hostess brands. They haven't said which but my guess would be the Twinkies. We can get by without Wonder bread but no Twinkies, I don't know about that.
When I was growing up we ate Wonder bread. There wasn't that many choices back then. Stores usually only carried one or two brands. I can remember seeing the bread truck with those balloons painted on the sides. It is not a big deal as I will buy whatever white bread is the least expensive. Still I'll feel like we lost a little bit of America. Sliced bread is the standard we compare everything to and Wonder was the best ! Why it is the best thing next to sliced bread !

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