Friday, November 9, 2012

The greatest generation

With veterans day fast approaching I can't help but think of my father. He was,after all, the first Veteran that I knew. And with that thought, it has been said that his was the greatest generation, not only for their sacrifices in time of war, but for their enduring faith in the nation. I have stated so in the past, and still hold that to be a true statement.
I am the son of that generation.My generation has wrought many changes in the America of my father. It is my generation, that in our arrogance and privilege, sought to redefine America. In the security that we were provided we became self centered and self righteous. It is my generation that has let down the greatest generation. We have failed our ancestors, and failed our children. In our enlightenment, we have failed to teach our children the values our own parents cherished so much. It is a sobering realization. Those children,our children, now compose America.
 As we try to rectify the mistakes of our past, the lessons fall upon deaf ears. Our opinions and beliefs relegated to the world of the old days. We are just old fashioned and uptight ! Sound familiar ? It should, it is what we were saying all those years ago.
As I watch the direction of the country, I feel shame. I place the blame squarely where it belongs. Upon my own shoulders. I search for no excuses. I am responsible. It is I and my peers that started this erosion of values. And once erosion has begun, it is difficult to stop. And worse still, harder to reverse. It is with deep remorse I watch. The fabric of the nation is being torn to shreds.  Our colors are fading. No longer are we steadfast in our beliefs, but those beliefs have become transient, subject to the whims of the monied or political elite. Core values redefined in a vain attempt to satisfy the masses.
If their is but one benefit from this realization, it would have to be awareness. I have become aware. It is not too late. I can still impart whatever wisdom and knowledge I may possess to yet another generation. The grandchildren. Having lost the selfish desires of my own youth, I am free to pass on knowledge and wisdom learned from my own father. Knowledge I foolishly ignored. And so hope remains. And hope,  rests in the future. I can still influence that future. I can only wish to remain on this earth long enough to witness the effects of that influence. To gain a measure of redemption.
The passage of time. Lessons learned. The realizations of a lifetime revealed. Not my lifetime, for that is not yet complete, the lifetimes of those that have gone before me. History has much to teach if we but learn from it. Parallel lines in time. Man and emotion have remained virtually unchanged throughout time. Only the environment has been altered by man. It is our responsibility to create and influence that environment in a positive and productive way. The advancement of mankind. We must build upon the corner stone. We may choose to alter the structure, but never should we alter the cornerstone. Some additions may not be complementary to the original design. A return to the original blueprint may prove helpful. I fear we have strayed too far from that plan. The greatest generation was the example, the cornerstone.
Yes, they too made changes. They changed the world. They stood steadfast in their beliefs and in their righteousness. They were not infallible, but they did cling to the core values as taught to them by their ancestors. They did not seek to redefine those values. There efforts were expended in preserving and honoring those values. Can we say the same ?
The evidence of our folly lies bare before us. The health of our nation is in jeopardy. The bell of freedom rings less loudly now. The patriotism of our fathers fading into memory. I can only speak for myself when I say I have had a new awakening,a renewed purpose. I shall do my best to preserve those memories and impart those core values to whatever succeeding generations I may be privileged to know. I will teach the truths of my father. The cornerstone of the nation is unchanged still and I will do my utmost to ensure that it remains so.

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