Friday, November 30, 2012


Here in Maryland they are proposing an increase in the cigarette tax,again. Another dollar. The lawmakers and bean counters are counting on this revenue and see no problem in collecting it. There is no concern that massive amounts of people will quit buying this product. I'm convinced more will seek the product elsewhere. Whatever. I am happy to say I quit that habit some time back. What I do find interesting is the willingness of people to keep buying. If we could only get people as devoted to supporting charities or doing good deeds what a wonderful world we would have.
I'm not preaching, I was one of those people for many years. I understand. I do wonder just where the tipping point is going to be. That point where those attempting to get the product cheaply cause problems for everyone else. And at what point does the government become dependent upon this income ? The revenue stream is significant but the cash cow has got to go dry at some point. At least that is one of the reasons stated for increasing the tax. To make people quit and lower the cost of health care.
I have said this before, but older folks tend to repeat themselves, how wise is it to base an economy on " sin "taxes. Tobacco, gambling ( gaming ), and liquor. And now in four states marijuana. Can a tax on medicines be far behind ? I'm guessing not, as soon as they figure out what to call it other than a tax. A production fee ?
Fees are not taxes. That's what I've been told but I disagree.
I'm no statistician or pollster but I think I can safely state the demographics of those most likely to be using these products. Don't get upset, remember I was included in those demographics in the not to distant past.
It is not the strongest of financial bases. Just sayin'.
I believe these taxes are imposed in part because these are the people least likely to have the means to effectively protest or overturn this decision. Not many in this demographic have the power, influence or wealth to mount a significant challenge. Prey upon the weakness of man. That is the crux of the whole deal, isn't it. Chance or design ?  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

" Rats "

I,along with millions of others, purchased my power ball winning ticket yesterday. I took my shot at a 550 million dollar prize. Long story short, didn't win. Didn't even get my money back. Another six bucks down the drain ! Well, you can't win if you don't play. I wasn't surprised or disappointed. It was an " rats " type reaction. Check the numbers and say, " rats. "
Although you will hear me talk about the foolishness of basing an economy on gambling I will occasionally participate. I do not wait for the prize to be unusually large however. The power ball prize begins at 12 million, more than enough for me, so why wait for a larger amount ? Truth be told, just winning any amount would be great. A few hundred could come in handy.
I do enjoy the speculation about winning though. All the big plans and dreams. It is pure fantasy. I hear of others spending large amounts of money in an attempt to win. A little research will show you how foolish that is. You have to spend in the hundred thousand dollar range to alter your individual odds of purchasing that one winning ticket. Why I even spend six dollars I can only explain by saying, I got caught up in the whole thing. It is fantasy but the cash is real.
I imagine if I wanted to do the research I could come up with the figures. Certainly it is a matter of public knowledge. The jackpot this time was  579.9 million. That is what will be paid out, in theory. So how much was taken in ? And why is the amount so different if you take the cash option versus the annuity ? Could it be the government doesn't really have all that money on hand ? Surely the amount taken in must exceed the payout. It has been a number of weeks since the last jackpot payout. Don't quote me but I think I heard them say 16 weeks. Pretty good fundraiser though.
Maybe we should fund the Red Cross or some other charitable organization with a similar system. Hurricane relief for instance. Buy your tickets for a prize and the proceeds go to that cause. When you lose, you really win ! For helping out your fellow man sure would make you a winner. The problem lies in the oversight of the program and the disbursement of the proceeds. I'm thinking we could work that out. I believe in the charity of man. I believe we would all want to help out our fellow citizens in time of need. I believe in the human spirit. Just sometimes that spirit needs a little incentive ! The incentive ? Ten per cent of whatever is taken in weekly. If the fund takes in one million, you get 100,000 tax free ! Sounds like a plan to me.
I know there are administrative costs involved and other fees and taxes. But it is a fantasy anyway so that doesn't matter. The government wouldn't allow this because it makes too much sense and there is no profit in it. And if they did decide to do it, the costs for administration would be crippling. " RATS "

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Time and Change

I was at the store the other day waiting in the checkout line. I was next and the cashier had just given the customer ahead of me the total. Reaching in her purse she pulled out two hundred dollar bills. The cashier takes them as non nonchalant and uncaring as can be. Change was given and it was my turn.
As I watched that little scene unfold I couldn't help but remember. Remember when a hundred dollar bill was a rare sight ? Must be rich to carry one of those around. You might get a fifty on occasion but those hundreds ! I was thinking about that when I checked out. As I gave the cashier my money she reached into a little cup and added two pennies to it. Easier to make change that way. I was thinking then, when I was a kid I could have gotten two pieces of candy for that ! The value of a dollar sure has changed.
Ben Franklin said, " a penny saved is a penny earned." Wonder what old Ben would have to say about people giving money away because it was more convenient than making change ? And honest Abe wouldn't have had to walk that three miles to return that penny either. Every now and again I hear talk of doing away with the penny altogether. The claim being it costs more to make than it is worth. I can believe that. I suspect that if that happens the cost of everything will be rounded up to the nearest nickel ! I don't think I will see that in my lifetime. Might see the disappearance of cash though. Electronic transfer of funds and credit/debit cards. It is already happening and will continue. I find it amazing that I am now paying for the right to spend my own money. Costs money to spend money !
I recall one Christmas when an aunt gave me a hundred dollar bill. It was in one of those cards designed for that purpose. I'm pretty sure it was the first one I had ever seen. I couldn't believe it. I knew Aunt Minnie had more than we did, but a hundred dollars for a gift ! Man, she must be loaded. Now as a matter of routine hundred dollar bills are passed. Fifties are not uncommon and twenties ho hum. Yes, they say pennies you find on the sidewalk are pennies from heaven, now the cashier will just give them to you. And the funny thing is a lot of those cashiers are no angels, believe me. Time and change.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Facebook and the Fridge

Yesterday I wrote about creating things. Whether those things are objects or thoughts. I was thinking about when we were younger and how we would readily share those things. We had no thoughts of rejection or criticism. I was remembering that feeling when Mom put it in the most revered place in the home. On the refrigerator. I still do that with the Grandkids stuff. I'm sure you all do as well. But now we have a much larger refrigerator. We can post almost anything on there, and we do. We call it Facebook. Facebook is the refrigerator of the world. Want to know about a person ? Go to their Facebook pages or better still their wall. A quick study of that will show you a lot about that person. Scroll down and read their comments.
I hear about people complaining about privacy concerns using Facebook. If they kept in mind that posting things on Facebook is the same as putting it on your refrigerator door, I'm sure a lot less information would make its' way there. Unless you want me sitting in your kitchen, while you are out of the room, you probably shouldn't post so much.
I'm guilty of overposting. I admit it. I post everything of interest to me on there. People who know me will say, " don't post this on Facebook. " I do try to honor those requests, but sometimes things are just too funny not to share. And the Grankids are just too cute !
To be completely honest about the whole deal I have to say I love posting my stuff on the refrigerator door. I love it as much today as I did when I was a kid. I think we all like that feeling. Facebook is a way of recapturing it. Whether we make it up ourselves or find it in a funny status shuffle we love to post those things. Our pictures, memories and accomplishments. Isn't technology great.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Creations of the Past

Do you have anything that you made as a child ? A picture or a craft of some kind ? I have a few, thanks to Mom. She saved them. I have one sitting in my kitchen cabinet. The date on it is October 20, 1970. I was a junior in high school. This object was made in ceramics class. The teacher, Mr. Sherrill Webb. This same teacher taught me many things I still use everyday. Knowledge of a practical nature.
How long it has sat in my cabinet I can't say. Mom must have given it back to me at some point and I just placed it in there. I barely pay any attention to it. Except this morning. This morning I opened that door and there it sat, looking back at me. A flood of memories came back. I remembered the feel of the clay as I spun it on the wheel. I remembered applying the glaze and writing those words upon it. I vividly recalled having to design my " potters mark. " I designed a cart, the handle pointing to the right to signify Reich-art. Right Art. I recall getting an " A " for that design. Thank You Mr. Webb.
As I looked at that piece of crude pottery I couldn't help but think, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could take as much pride in the things we do as adults, as we did when we were younger. Remember the pride in accomplishment when you colored a picture just right ? Remember when you offered those gifts to someone and were certain that they would just love it !  I suppose you could call that the innocence of youth. That when we become older we become so much more sophisticated and knowledgeable. Or you could say we become more critical. More critical of ourselves and others.
When we were little we made and gave those things for the enjoyment of it. We hoped for recognition of a job well done. We expected that much and we usually got it. As we grew we came to demand more of ourselves and others. At what point we no longer try isn't as clear. When do we not allow ourselves that vulnerability ? And isn't that the central issue ? To expose yourself to criticism. Are you willing ?
When we were children we were confident. We knew that our efforts would be appreciated and even admired. As time went by that confidence was lost. Once lost, it can not be regained. Or can it ?
It is never too late to pursue your interests whatever they may be. Grandma Moses did. Maybe it is an interest you never knew you had. Grab some of that lost confidence, be vulnerable and just put it out there.
Do not be discouraged by a lack of critical acclaim or nay sayers. Pursue those interests or just enjoy the attempt.

circa 1970

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Throughout recorded time man has questioned his presence on this earth. We have searched for meaning. Always we looked to a higher power than our own. We have sought the power that controls the whims of nature. We have sought control. We have prayed, offered tribute and provided sacrifice. As to whether these actions have had any effect, is left to interpretation. I refuse to believe it is all a random act. I believe there is purpose and direction. I also believe it is beyond my comprehension as to the nature of this plan. I am but a molecule in a universe of molecules. Fate and faith are one and the same. In the best case scenario I can influence my fate. Without faith, I have no hope of doing so. Some may say that it is a pragmatic approach to religion, but I am a man of thought. Having faith does not exclude one from the acquisition of knowledge. Nor does knowledge exclude one from faith.
Man has always prayed to his God. Whether that God was a stick figure on the wall of the cave or a God living in Valhalla he prayed. Man has asked his God for guidance and mercy. We have sought to explain the unexplained in our lives. We have always asked our Gods for favor, and after being granted that favor, we celebrate our God. When things go well, we thank our God. When things go badly, we question why ? Is it because we have displeased our God ? Is our God a revengeful God ? These thoughts are only human. Faith and Hope are difficult to keep. It requires effort on our part. All too often they are cast aside in times of trouble. Desperation and fear become the controlling factors. This is the human condition.
Good and evil. Man has sought to define these two opposites. We have used our Gods to decide these things. Are Gods the creation of man ? Has man, in his attempt to explain his condition, invented a scapegoat ? Someone to blame when things go wrong. A place to turn and say, it is not my fault ? Some may believe that is the case. Some will say that is why God has been invented and reinvented throughout the ages. Our Gods shaping our environs. Thomas Edison thought it was our need to live on. He felt we invented our Gods to satisfy that need.
On a strictly intellectual level this theory may make sense. The problem lies in the fact that man is not a strictly intellectual being. Man harbors emotion. The fulfillment of our emotional needs share equal footing with our physical needs. Man is a product of nature. As such the laws of nature should govern our actions. These actions are sometimes in conflict with the wants and desires of man. On a basic level all matter is energy. Our scientists have shown this to be a fact. Energy can never be destroyed, only transformed from one state to another. This is also a scientific fact. The fact remains that this energy has to emanate from somewhere. What is the source of this energy ?  What is the eternal ?  That is the mystery of God.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Words of Substance

I began writing these blogs as a way to present my side of the story. Our story will be told after our passing. There is little chance for rebuttal. My original intent was to just record my memories and thoughts. I thought it may be of interest to my descendants. I know I would like to have the thoughts of my Grandparents or Great Grandparents. If nothing more, they would be of passing interest. A curiosity.
As I wrote more,  I began to stray a little from this intent. They are my thoughts, but I began to include my opinions as well. An essay or two have crept in. And this has lead me to thinking about why I choose the topics I do. These thoughts are truly random as I have no agenda. I do think, however, I have come to realize something about this writing and blogging. I am hoping I write some words of substance. Words for future descendants to read and admire. I will not be remembered for my physical prowess. I am no elite athlete. The other alternative is to be remembered for your intellect. Well, I'm not a  rocket scientist either. These are simple truths and hold no shame. But each of us have a unique story and perspective. Each of us have something to say. And each of us harbor truth.
We are now living in the information age. That is what it has been called and I would have to agree. Never in the history of man has it been easier to share. Never has it been easier to obtain knowledge. We often think of knowledge as a strictly scholarly pursuit. A study of the classics or mathematics. Scientists and professors.
But there is more knowledge than that. There is the knowledge of life. The truths that you learn over a lifetime. It is the expression of these truths that are these "words of substance " I hope to share. That more aptly defines my intent in writing these words.
Some may think I am vain in doing so. Others may think I have an inflated opinion of myself. I can not concern myself with that. Yes I hope to entertain and maybe even share an insight or two with you now. I like hearing comments on my writings. The thing is though, the real purpose is to leave that record. And from that record it is my hope some words of substance will be gleaned. I love to talk, as anyone that knows me will testify, and I'm hoping that even death itself will not silence me ! Is that wrong ? Well at the very least you could always just close the book, use my words as a sort of  reference from time to time.
That's a comforting thought and I think I'll stay with that. I know that through the years I have " referenced " those that I have known when I became a little lost. Maybe I'll be able to return that favor. Pay it Forward.
Isn't that what they are saying now ?


Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday

I will not be coerced into shopping on Black Friday ! You can offer all the bargains,deals and once in a lifetime offers you want, I will not capitulate ! I refuse to be sucked into this vortex of greed and materialism. I will enjoy my holiday irregardless of the encouragement to battle the crowds for a shopping experience. Not happening.
I read a funny status posting on Facebook that struck a note with me. It says, Am I the only one that finds it ironic that we spend the most money buying new things the day after we give thanks for the things we have. Or something close to that. The truth in the statement is stark and makes you chuckle. You have too because of the honesty in it.
It may be a stereotype but I believe most men do not like to shop. I'm no exception. I don't mind if I have a list and go directly in, get the item, and leave. No browsing around, no gawking at a bunch of stuff I don't need or can't afford anyway. And now the retailers would have me stand in line for a chance to spend my money on the items they would like to get rid of. That's why they have those items " On Sale " because it is stuff they need to get out of their inventory. Not falling for it.
Shopping to me is not an experience. It is a necessity. Yeah, you gotta buy stuff. I could make a list of at least one hundred things I would rather do than go shopping. Maybe it is just me, but I think enjoying the product is more fun than shopping for it.
Listen to the news and you hear about the government heading for the fiscal cliff. Everyone agrees the government spends far too much money. More money than it receives in revenue. Yet the masses are being told to run out and spend,spend ,spend. Watch the ads on television about all the big deals. Like a herd of buffalo, the public is being herded over the cliff. To financial ruin. No problem, raise the debt ceiling.
Well, everyone is entitled to do as they see fit. I will not fall for this trap. And please, don't get me started on Cyber Monday !

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving. On this particular holiday we all talk about giving thanks and being thankful. Having given this some thought I have decided to share what my feelings about what all this really means. Or more specifically, what I think being thankful should mean.
Being thankful is not just saying those words or even the feeling of gratitude you may experience. I think being thankful should be reflected in your actions everyday. Those random acts of kindness toward a stranger. Being considerate of others. Listening to those that need someone to lean on. These are acts not of kindness, but of being thankful. Truly thankful for the kindness and consideration of others toward you. Showing your thankfulness toward your God for his or her mercies by your conduct and adherence to their teachings.
To give without expectation of return, to receive without obligation and, gratitude without guilt. These are the hallmarks of Thanks and Giving. The best form of thanks are often not even noticed by those on the receiving end. They are the genuine acts you commit every day. Thanksgiving day is a day to gather our family around us. To be with our brothers and sisters. And in the larger sense does that not include all of mankind ? A day to share whatever gifts we have received throughout the year. A good job,health or the company of others. A day just to be thankful and reflect upon those blessings. So enjoy this day and be thankful every day. Each day is a blessing and has it's own merits and rewards.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I read about others making their preparations for Thanksgiving. I see on television about the families gathering for the feast. I've seen the Hallmark movies. That is not the reality for me. Never has been. I can barely recall on one Thanksgiving an Uncle and his family coming to dinner. Those gatherings of family are only things of myth and legend to me.
I have always had a large Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. That much is a constant. We just never had a houseful of relatives when I was growing up, although my Mom came from a family of ten, and I never have had one of my own. The closest I have come is having both sons and their wives here.
Thanksgiving is more about the leftovers for me. Cold turkey sandwiches on toast with lots of mayo. The pies and other deserts. Not being a big football fan I am not excited about that. I admit, somewhat shamefully, it is the only meal of the year where prayers of Thanksgiving are spoken openly. And it is a little awkward. No explanation for why that is.
I have thought that it would be nice to have one of those Hallmark thanksgivings. All the family gathered together sharing memories and just enjoying one another. Then I wake up and realize what would more likely be the result. And it wouldn't be about love and understanding. None of us are drinkers but differing opinions would be expressed. And how can I say this, we can become passionate about our opinions. Memories are sometimes best left like sleeping dogs, let them lie. Even though we may share the same memories, those memories may not be the same.
Thanksgiving day is a day of food and immediate family for me. We will cook the turkey and ham. All the trimmings will be laid out. I will have my rutabaga and jellied cranberry sauce. The nuts are on the table. Mom always had dates but those are a thing of the past. Sorry Mom.
My wish is that everyone enjoy the type of Thanksgiving that they are comfortable with. We all have many reasons to be thankful. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

No shame in that game

Yesterday my grandsons' soccer team played in the finals. It has been quite the season. The teams are formed from the children of Greensboro and the surrounding towns of northern Caroline county. As it turned out the two teams facing each other in that final match were both from Greensboro. Opponents and classmates. The rivalry was an intense one to be sure.
Parents and Grandparents huddled on the sideline. There was a slight breeze and quite cold. Real cold to some of us senior observers ! We had to play a qualifying match first. It was a must win situation to advance up the bracket. We won that game in the last thirty seconds in a real nail biter. Both teams playing exemplary ball. And so we geared up for the final challenge. The team we now faced has remained unbeaten the entire season. We have played them in the past and battled them to a tie. We played scrimmage games against them too. We knew it was going to be an uphill climb.
The game was a defensive battle. Back and forth with no scoring. Finally, the opposition, Generations, score a goal. They managed to just sneak it into the corner of the goal. The battled continued and time was running short. The situation looked grim. But at the last second we score ! The excitement is overwhelming. Parents and Grandparents jumping up and down. Then that moment of sobering realization. There can be no tie in this game. The dreaded shootout ! My stomach began to churn. My grandson is the goalie. He will have to stand in there and block those shots !  I can feel the pressure that he must be feeling. It's all on you Buddy !
If you are not familiar with this shootout format, let me explain. Each team selects five shooters. Taking alternating turns they get a free shot at the goal. Just the kicker versus the goalie. The team with the most points win. It gets quiet and you can hear words of encouragement. You got this, you can do it. Then that first shot flies toward the goal. He blocked it ! A sigh of relief. It continues until all five have taken a shot. It is down to the last shot for our team. We are down by one. I'm holding by breath and calling upon my God and bam, it goes in !!! A tie. The relief and excitement combine. Then a few moments of confusion. What do we do now ? Not being fully versed in the rules of soccer, I am at a loss. Seems no one on the sideline knows either. After a few anxious minutes we get the low down. Sudden death shootout !
Standing,cheering, and suffering through this agony I can do nothing but watch. Players shooting, goal tenders blocking and it continues for several rounds. In the end we lost by one point. We took second place in the tournament. By it was the most exciting soccer contest I have ever witnessed. An epic struggle. A game of legend.
I couldn't be prouder of my Grandson. He stood in there and played his heart out. There has to be a winner and one ball slipped by him. My only comment to him was, " no shame in that game ! " All the kids played so well.
Batted to the outside !

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Serenity is dependent upon acceptance. And the world needs a lot more acceptance. Isn't that part of those twelve step programs ? There is a reason for that, it works ! Yes I know this country was founded upon revolution. I know about the great crusaders of the past and the works of Dr. King. Those that spoke out and acted against injustice and the constraint of freedom. They are to be admired. There are, however, things in this life that you just need to accept. You can start with, the referee missed a call. It is not the end of independence and freedom, no great and meaningful injustice has been perpetrated against society. Calm down and accept the judgement. In the words of Frank Costanza, serenity now !
It is my feeling that a lot of the drama we experience today is due to a lack of consideration for others. We become so absorbed with the premise that I am guaranteed my freedom, that I don't recognize another's. It wasn't always this way. Back in the distant past, like when I was ten, people had a lot more consideration for one another. They didn't insist on playing their music louder than everyone else, they didn't insist on bringing their pets with them everywhere and they displayed some measure of courtesy to one another. Seldom were they confrontational. They just accepted things for what they were. And not every bit of manusha from everyday life requires a law or precedent be set.
There are people that don't like me, or think me foolish, I accept that. There are even those that may think I'm unattractive, gasp, well okay but I'm not insisting we redefine beauty to suit my standards. I accept that.
Listen folks, a child throwing a temper tantrum is not a fight for social injustice ! It is when we, as a person, push the boundaries of acceptance that we cause conflict. Another old adage comes to mind, pick your fights wisely.
I am as passionate about my beliefs as the next man. I can become blinded by that passion. My vision may be blurred and common sense abandoned. When passionate enough about a subject I will continue to press the point even after you agree with me. The fault lies when passion turns to anger. And the distinction is sometimes hard to discern. Especially so if you are on the receiving end. And anger leads to a lack of consideration.
 Dare I say the word, Politeness ? An old fashioned concept ? Serenity Now !!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

the best thing

I heard on the news last evening that Hostess bakeries are going out of business. No more Twinkies or Ho-Ho's. Ironic given the approaching season. They are also the bakers of Wonder bread. The bread that helps build strong bodies 12 ways. Honestly, I haven't bought wonder bread in years, opting for the less expensive store brands, but somehow I feel a sadness for this lose. Wonder bread is a part of Americana as far as I am concerned. In reality the corporate headquarters are in Canada and Mexico. American ownership was sold years ago. No matter, doesn't change the image I have.
I did a quick read about Wonder bread. Wonder was one of the first breads to be sold sliced. The article didn't attribute the iconic saying " better than sliced bread " to them but it is a possibility. At first the public didn't think sliced bread was such a great idea. They were afraid it would dry out before you could use it.
Turned out to be not true. Also, as it turns out, white bread has very little nutritional value. As the country became more health conscious Wonder added some nutrients to their bread. At first it was eight ways and then expanded to twelve. Guess twelve was all that was needed because no more have been added since.
Interestingly enough was the fact that Wonder stopped selling their bread sliced during a two year period during the second world war. The steel used to make the saw blades was required for the war effort. I can't help but " wonder " how that would go over today.
The company has been in financial trouble for some time. Bankruptcy proceedings have been ongoing for a number of years. The bakers union went out on strike in protest of salary cuts and reduced benefits. Looks like they struck themselves out of a job ! Eighteen thousand five hundred employees. What a shame. The company says there has been some interest in purchasing a few of the Hostess brands. They haven't said which but my guess would be the Twinkies. We can get by without Wonder bread but no Twinkies, I don't know about that.
When I was growing up we ate Wonder bread. There wasn't that many choices back then. Stores usually only carried one or two brands. I can remember seeing the bread truck with those balloons painted on the sides. It is not a big deal as I will buy whatever white bread is the least expensive. Still I'll feel like we lost a little bit of America. Sliced bread is the standard we compare everything to and Wonder was the best ! Why it is the best thing next to sliced bread !

Friday, November 16, 2012


I have been thinking about the changes in the America of my youth and that of my parents. Social changes mostly. I was thinking about what influences have added to this change. I'm thinking a major one may be that many of us have moved from our hometowns. Without doing a big research paper on the whole deal, I'll leave that for a sociologist, I think my generation began this exodus. We grew up and moved out. There are many factors that contributed to this. Social and economic priorities. As I said, I will not try to analyze the whole deal, but I do have one observation I feel may be relevant. In this moving we left some things behind. Most notably our family. Now I'm not thinking about those living members of the family, I'm thinking about those that are laid to rest in the cemetery.After we have left town, how often do we think to visit them ?
I have been living here in Greensboro for over twenty years now. I know a few friends or acquaintances in the local cemetery. I occasionally go to visit them. Stopping by, they are a reminder of the past and what used to be. I recall conversations I may have had with them or time shared, good and bad. Many times I wish I could do the same with my family. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and all those I grew up around. A stroll through the cemetery with so many familiar names. The peace and serenity can not but cause you to reflect. Reminders. Reminders of your past and your upbringing.
Yes I'm thinking some of these changes would not occur if we were still at " home." If we were reminded of those values we were taught. In one sense we have become lost. We wander the country looking for home. And most of us are nostalgic for the old hometown. We move and for a while talk of how great this new location is, but many times it is prefaced with, It's not home but. We all know everything changes over time,nothing stays the same, but still we long for that. We long for the days of our youth and better times.
We are becoming disconnected from our past generations. Some would call this progress and I can understand that view. I do think we all need reminders and those reminders are there waiting for us to visit.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

In a funk

I'm in a funk. I'm tired of waiting. Don't know what it is I'm waiting for, but I'm waiting. Given time this will pass. When you get tired of waiting you need to take action. How do you take action when you don't know what you're waiting for ? There is a frustration. The answer lies in doing something. As my Dad was fond of saying, either *hit or get off the pot ! The only question remaining is, do what ? What is it I'm waiting on ?
I wonder if some outside force will spur me to action. An unforeseen circumstance. Could be, as that is the usual impetus. I don't believe it will be a career change. I'm not looking for that. More money would be great I'll admit that, but I'm not waiting on that to happen. I have a lovely and caring wife. Don't require anything in that category. My needs are more than being satisfied. I have food to eat,a roof over my head and a wonderful family. I have everything anyone would be pleased to have. Still, I'm in this funk.
I am aware that this happens every now and again. I know that it happens to almost everyone. I wonder what it is about our minds that cause this ? Perhaps the old brain needs to be rebooted. Hit the refresh button. In extreme cases I suppose you could crash. I sure hope that isn't the case ! I think not and I'll try opening a new window in a different browser. Maybe that will get me out of this funk.
They say awareness of the problem is half the solution. Does it count if you know you have a problem but have no idea what the problem is ? I'll just have to keep on waiting. Wait and hope to recognize the answer. More than likely it will pass and go unsolved. Just another funk.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I was remembering a time shortly having having gotten my drivers license. Naturally all my friends had just gotten there's as well. As it turned out, at one point three of us had the same make of car. Ford falcons. The colors were red, white and, you got it, blue. All happened by coincidence too. In fact my car was given to me by an Uncle. We three rode to school in our cars and would enter the parking lot in single file. Parking next to one another. We called it the falcon brigade. We spent our days hanging out with one another and sometimes working odd jobs. We were a tight knit group.
I recall one evening we were out just riding around as kids will do. One member of our little group was not with us. He was at home feeling a little depressed about something. I can't say exactly what it was but it was probably girl troubles. Had a lot of those back in the day. And so we decided to go cheer him up. We drove  over to his house and parked in the driveway. Then we all stood on the hood and roof of the car and began to sing. We started singing, if you could call it that, Lean on Me. It was a popular song at the time and we thought it was hilarious. What his parents thought of this I can't remember. I don't even remember if he came out of the house.
It was just a little incident in time. One I still remember from about 1970. We sure had some good times.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The truths of our fathers

With the passing of veterans day and the end of another year in sight I have taken some time to reflect. I have thought about our veterans and their sacrifices. I have watched the passing of another year and have cause to wonder if the country is headed in the right direction. Have we strayed too far ? Have we lost that moral compass that was the direction our founding fathers envisioned ? For our country was envisioned as a moral society. Three branches of government were established to deter corruption and power broking. It has served us well. Now I have fears of the government becoming too powerful. That power is being granted by the electorate, that is true, but is the electorate being deceived ? That is an individual decision. There is no correct or incorrect response. I express my opinion at the polls.
I have thought much about my father and his generation. I have written about that. It still weighs on my mind. I can speak for no one but myself when I say, why have we turned from the truths of our fathers ? How could we have strayed this far ? It has taken me years to come to understand this.. When I was a younger man I thought his way old fashioned and foolish. He was obviously behind the times. Now as I look in the mirror I can see him. There he stands. And he is saying, " what did I tell you ? " And then I remember his words and wisdom. The truths that he spoke come back to me. I hear his words and understanding comes. I was listening to what he said, but not what he meant. A fine distinction. And like a fine wine it has aged with time and mellowed. No longer a fire brand, but full of the light of truth.
I have been told not to live in the past. My response is remember and learn from the past. Remember the truths you were taught as a child. We are all but as children in time. We have much to learn. It is a shame that most of us will not learn these lessons until later in life. I suppose that is the natural order of things however.
Take pleasure in the truth and try your best to teach others. The passing of truth from generation to generation is a scared trust.
A new year is on the horizon. New challenges. Also familiar trials and tribulations. We have been prepared if we but remember. I would be happy to live in the past, some good people are there !

Monday, November 12, 2012

In search of heroes

General David Petraeus has resigned his position. He was discovered to have been having an extramarital affair. In today's world all this is public and the dirty laundry must be aired. Tarnish has been shown upon his reputation. A failure of moral fiber.
I do not condone this mans actions. It is my belief that this behavior just displays a lack of ,what I call, strength of character. I would not question his abilities as a commander. His leadership in battle has been proven. He has had an exemplary term of service. In the end though he is just a man like many other men. Strengths and weakness. It is unfortunate that he has such a lack of strength in his character.
Today we often speak of heroes. Towering figures in history. Generals and Presidents. In the not to distant past these heroes walked among us. They were men and women like all others. They too had strengths and weakness. The difference was their weakness was not always exposed. The press and the public in general did not discuss such moral issues of character. In some cases these actions weren't exactly condoned, but expected. Their reputations were not tarnished by these lapses in judgement.
I listened to an expert on television explain why these men and women of power often have these flaws. This lady offered the excuse of privilege. Her theory was that they became accustomed to favored status. That they became used to being able to do as they pleased. They became comfortable with operating outside the laws that guide the common man. This lead to their infidelity. She also felt women were attracted to men of power and often perused them. Her theories may be correct, but they are nothing more than excuses. Strength of character is what is lacking. The inability to make a choice. It is my belief that should a married and /or committed person decide to share intimate relations with a partner other than the one they are with, it is their obligation to make that desire known before hand. Have the strength to make that decision. I detest a sneak. Speak with me frankly, face to face.
If you are not willing to do something in the full light of day, you probably shouldn't be doing it. The avoidance of an issue will not resolve that issue. Had the General taken this path would he had resigned ? Probably not. Would the public in general think less of his service ? Doubtful. But now he has shown a lack of strength. A coward sneaking in the shadows. A harsh judgement to be sure, but I believe a judgement he will be tagged with. An inglorious end to a career.
I suppose he will finish writing his biography. He will make the talk show circuit. Perhaps become a motivational speaker. His reputation forever tarnished because of one thing, a lack of courage. Not a lack of courage on the battlefield, but on the field of human dignity and respect. He has a disregard for both.
Yes I know he is just a human being. Subject to flaws like all of us. I have made my mistakes and poor choices in my life. I hold no malice toward this man. I do think that America is looking for heroes. He had a shot but failed the test. I question whether any one can stand the test of today's world. A world where every action you take is scrutinized,analyzed and shown to the world. In some ways I liked it better when certain things were just kept quiet. Moral issues kept separate from the performance of the persons occupation. That is how heroes are preserved.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Veterans I know

Today being Veterans day I am happy to say Greensboro will be having a parade and ceremony. I have lived here for over twenty years now and missed this event. I didn't miss it because of other engagements or commitments. I missed it because we never had one. Each year I would lament about this. Each year my complaints fell upon deaf ears. But this year is different. This year we celebrate. I couldn't be more pleased.
I like to think I had something to do with this turn of events. That may or may not be the case. No matter, what matters is the recognition of our veterans.
I was asked if I would like to participate. I gladly accepted the invitation. I have gotten my uniform out of the closet, where it seems it has shrunk just a bit, and am prepared to march. I wish to march in this parade to honor my fellow veterans. I relish the thought of joining them once again. I wish to march, just as those before me have marched. It is an honor and a privilege. I can not help but think about all those that have marched before me. Their faith and courage having shown me the way. I am humbled by their sacrifice.
Yes, I am a veteran. But veterans day is not about me. At least not in my eyes. I do not see myself in that light. I am but one among thousands, possibly millions. Veterans day to me is about others. My father,brother and fellow shipmates. All those that I served with and knew, and those I served with but did not know. Veterans. Faceless patriots doing their duty. Men and women performing whatever actions are necessary in the preservation of our nation. Not for personal glory, but for the common good of the nation.
Those are the veterans that I know.
Veterans day was set aside to remember and reflect upon their service. Veterans day is a day to thank all our vets. Those past and those present. Veterans day is not about those that lost their life in the service of their country, rather it is about those that set their lives aside to serve the needs of the nation. For that,we owe our gratitude.
And so today I march. I march behind those that have gone before me. I march alongside those I have served with and I march to show future generations the way. A proud tradition. An honor.

Guilty Pleasure

We all have our own guilty little pleasures. We may try to conceal them, we may try to deny them and we may even seek to change them, but they remain. They are a part of our makeup and will not be denied. Often we associate these little pleasures with a favorite food or sweet treat of some kind. That is not the only little pleasures we may harbor however. No, there are other things that we know to be morally wrong but enjoy nonetheless. We recognize the fault in this action, yet continue. We revel in it. We look forward in anticipation to the enjoyment we know it will provide. That deep satisfaction we so crave.
I think by this time you are curious. Where will I go with this line of thought ? And just what guilty little pleasure am I thinking about, or more importantly what pleasure comes to your mind ? Do you feel a tinge of guilt ? You know you do. I will admit right now I have thrown off that mantle of guilt and stand proudly. I no longer attempt to hide my pleasure. And what is that pleasure ? It is a simple thing, I absolutely love being able to look you right in the face and say, " I told you so ! " That's it. I love being right. I admit it and I am not ashamed.
I derive great satisfaction in being proven to be correct. When I offer my advice or direction and you refuse it I may feel angry or disappointed. I may become upset. But when the moment arrives and you realize I was correct those feelings disappear. I can not help but say those magic words, I told you so. I know I shouldn't.
I know I should be more gracious and show compassion and understanding. I know the teachings of the Bible. But I won't. I'll say it. Maybe not out loud but I'll say it. Even though I know people strongly dislike an " I told you So " I just have to get that satisfaction.
Do I have others ? Possibly. Could be. I'm not telling.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The greatest generation

With veterans day fast approaching I can't help but think of my father. He was,after all, the first Veteran that I knew. And with that thought, it has been said that his was the greatest generation, not only for their sacrifices in time of war, but for their enduring faith in the nation. I have stated so in the past, and still hold that to be a true statement.
I am the son of that generation.My generation has wrought many changes in the America of my father. It is my generation, that in our arrogance and privilege, sought to redefine America. In the security that we were provided we became self centered and self righteous. It is my generation that has let down the greatest generation. We have failed our ancestors, and failed our children. In our enlightenment, we have failed to teach our children the values our own parents cherished so much. It is a sobering realization. Those children,our children, now compose America.
 As we try to rectify the mistakes of our past, the lessons fall upon deaf ears. Our opinions and beliefs relegated to the world of the old days. We are just old fashioned and uptight ! Sound familiar ? It should, it is what we were saying all those years ago.
As I watch the direction of the country, I feel shame. I place the blame squarely where it belongs. Upon my own shoulders. I search for no excuses. I am responsible. It is I and my peers that started this erosion of values. And once erosion has begun, it is difficult to stop. And worse still, harder to reverse. It is with deep remorse I watch. The fabric of the nation is being torn to shreds.  Our colors are fading. No longer are we steadfast in our beliefs, but those beliefs have become transient, subject to the whims of the monied or political elite. Core values redefined in a vain attempt to satisfy the masses.
If their is but one benefit from this realization, it would have to be awareness. I have become aware. It is not too late. I can still impart whatever wisdom and knowledge I may possess to yet another generation. The grandchildren. Having lost the selfish desires of my own youth, I am free to pass on knowledge and wisdom learned from my own father. Knowledge I foolishly ignored. And so hope remains. And hope,  rests in the future. I can still influence that future. I can only wish to remain on this earth long enough to witness the effects of that influence. To gain a measure of redemption.
The passage of time. Lessons learned. The realizations of a lifetime revealed. Not my lifetime, for that is not yet complete, the lifetimes of those that have gone before me. History has much to teach if we but learn from it. Parallel lines in time. Man and emotion have remained virtually unchanged throughout time. Only the environment has been altered by man. It is our responsibility to create and influence that environment in a positive and productive way. The advancement of mankind. We must build upon the corner stone. We may choose to alter the structure, but never should we alter the cornerstone. Some additions may not be complementary to the original design. A return to the original blueprint may prove helpful. I fear we have strayed too far from that plan. The greatest generation was the example, the cornerstone.
Yes, they too made changes. They changed the world. They stood steadfast in their beliefs and in their righteousness. They were not infallible, but they did cling to the core values as taught to them by their ancestors. They did not seek to redefine those values. There efforts were expended in preserving and honoring those values. Can we say the same ?
The evidence of our folly lies bare before us. The health of our nation is in jeopardy. The bell of freedom rings less loudly now. The patriotism of our fathers fading into memory. I can only speak for myself when I say I have had a new awakening,a renewed purpose. I shall do my best to preserve those memories and impart those core values to whatever succeeding generations I may be privileged to know. I will teach the truths of my father. The cornerstone of the nation is unchanged still and I will do my utmost to ensure that it remains so.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Turning the page

Yesterday afternoon I met a young man. He was a rather lanky looking fellow with dark hair. It was raining outside and I offered him a ride. He got in the car and thanked me. His bright eyes and smile were infectious. I noticed a school identification tag hanging from his key ring. He spoke briefly of the weather. Who was this young man ? Why, it was my own grandson, grown up some more. I saw the change in him then, in a moment. Like turning the page in a book, a new chapter revealed. Some of the old character is there, but new features are being revealed. This is an interesting character.
Mark started middle school this year. Already I see an increase in maturity. Barely two months into the school year and the effects are becoming evident. Not only is he becoming more mature but more responsible as well. Middle school thus far being a positive influence. I can see him being transformed. The boy is becoming a young man. There is a certain sadness in this realization but it is overcome with a sense of pride. He is on a path to be special. I feel a renewed sense of responsibility. I must remind myself to choose my words and actions carefully. I am a great influence in his life. That is not a thing to be taken lightly.
This is a month of Thanks. And today I am thankful for my grandchildren. I am thankful for their love and laughter. I am thankful I can witness their growth. They are my glimpse into the future. The future is bright.
Shakespeare said, all the world is a stage and each of us merely players. I am thankful for my part and thankful I get to help shape the players of the future. Being a grandparent is an awesome responsibility but perhaps the most rewarding of all. Unless, of course, I make it to great grandparent status ! Now that would be really awesome. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Seasons of Tradition

The seasons of traditions are coming fast upon us. Thanksgiving and Christmas. I believe there are more traditions associated with these two holidays then all the others combined. I have not actually sat down and made a list, but when one says holiday tradition, these two come to mind for most of us. Holidays are a time of celebration and stress.
When I was younger I would look forward to these times with anticipation. Today, not so much. It is a sad state of affairs, to be sure. If holidays could only be like " Hallmark. " A "Currier and Ives " Christmas.
I love traditions and the perpetuity of them. It is a comfort to know I am enjoying a tradition that my Grandparents and their parents may have enjoyed. Each generation adopting certain traditions. The creation of a tradition is often an accidental occurrence. One never knows which " tradition " will stick. 
For myself, Thanksgiving dinner must include turnips and jellied cranberry sauce. That's what makes it Thanksgiving dinner ! Having a bowl of fruit on the table and unshelled nuts is also a sign of Thanksgiving to me. Those are my traditions. I certainly would like to spend Thanksgiving day with as much family as possible but that is not what makes the tradition for me. I think that stems from my transient life during my Navy days. Those turnips especially always take me home. 
Christmas. A time for family and reflection. With all the bells ringing and angels singing we welcome our God. For the children it is a time of magic. Gifts under the tree, cookies abound and shiny decorations transforming the home. Christmas, for some, is the only time of the year you will hear people talk to their children about the birth of the Christ. The tradition of the tree ! My personal tradition ? One night, after the tree has been decorated, I will sit up after everyone else has gone to bed. The day is not important just the being alone apart. I will turn off all the lights,except for the tree, and no other devices are on. No radio or television. Just me, the tree and the night. I sit and " listen " to the tree. I tell you, the Christmas tree has many tales to tell if you but listen. Look into those branches past the tinsel and lights. Study the ornaments and their reflections. Another year is coming to a close. Reflect upon that year and listen to the Christmas tree. This listening to the tree is a personal experience. It is nothing one can share. Lessons learned from the Christmas tree. 
This tradition came from my mother. Whether or not she actually does this every year I can not say. I just remember her saying to me, " listen to the Christmas tree " and I always have. It started when I was a young man and I have continued this practice ever since. I expect I always will. Will it endure ? Perhaps, perhaps not. Traditions are only important to those that practice them.


The electorate has spoken. The voice of the people. I apparently have differing opinions from the majority. I will have to reconcile my feelings and actions accordingly. Having the privilege to cast my ballot does not guarantee a victory for my belief. I must conform with the results as far as the law affects my actions. My personal opinions and beliefs remain intact. I wish the best for our country, individuals aside, but fear we have decided upon a treacherous course in history.
I am naturally disappointed in the choice of the electorate. More properly I am disappointed in the apparent lack of understanding of just what is facing this Republic we call America. To continue on the same path, that has been shown to be misguided, is folly. I am concerned not only for my America but the America of my descendants. Will they one day read longingly of the freedoms their ancestors enjoyed ? I can only relieve my burden of responsibility by stating here and now, I was opposed. I cast my ballot. I voted !
My hope is that on another occasion, in another election, the electorate come to understand. I will continue to work towards the preservation of freedom. It was a hard fought battle. Another battle will begin and I will vote again.
If I were more gracious I would congratulate the opposition. I am not that gracious. The continuance of this policy and direction causes me way too much concern for that. I must accept the results but I don't have to like or agree with it. Only history will reveal the final answer.

Monday, November 5, 2012

If we can but keep it.

Living in the fog. No, not ground fog, but the fog of indecision and lack of direction. It appears our lawmakers write new laws every day to cover every possible situation. Remove anything from the realm of common sense and spell it out. Following that, they can then spend their time writing exceptions to that same law. Enter the world of fog. A world where you can not see clearly what is in front of you. A glimpse down the road and into possible repercussions is impossible. In the fog we just creep along wearily hoping not to stumble.
I remember a day in America when this was not so. I recall the days when we all knew our stations in this life. We may not have licked that station, and opportunities existed to free ourselves from that, but we certainly were aware. That was back in the days when the " dream " existed. Now they are trying to make the dream an act ! Whatever that means. The dream act. Can we regulate a dream ? Give me a break. By definition, an act is a written ordinance, a law is a rule passed by a governing body. So again we will add to the fog of uncertainty by reintroducing this act. If you are in the country illegally, a crime, but the crime isn't your fault,( you are not really here I guess), you can now receive the same in state benefits as those that are here legally.
Remember those famous words, " damn the torpedoes,full speed ahead" ? That's what I'm talking about. The course was clear. The possible results were clear, but John Paul Jones stayed the course. No exceptions. No second guessing. No excuses and no apologies. How can we as a country expect to move forward if we can not have a clear vision of that future ? The constitution of the this great land was written and spelled it out pretty clearly. It is only through the arrogance of the career politicians and lawyers that that image is being blurred. It is only through greed and jealousy that this vision of the future has been perverted. I was promised the pursuit of happiness, but I wasn't guaranteed to find it !
We pledge allegiance to the Republic not to the democracy. Lookup republic and you will discover,as I did, that a republic is government by law and a democracy is rule by majority. A big difference. In a republic even the majority of votes cannot remove certain inalienable rights, that is the protections afforded to the minority, whereas in a democracy this is not so. Ben Franklin was asked after signing the declaration of independance, what sort of government have you given us ? His reply ? A Republic if you can keep it.
That republic is being lost in the fog. A great deal of power is vested in the voters. The most important thing to remember is that even the majority vote cannot change our inalienable rights ! In the fog of government regulations,laws,acts and propositions this vision is being lost. We can clear this fog and return to the republic  our forefather envisioned and indeed the republic they formed for us all. If we can but keep it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


In response to recent violence in the schools here in Maryland and elsewhere, metal detectors have been issued to the school security personnel. Here in Maryland they are in the form of those hand held wands. There is some controversy and concern surrounding this. The school officials assure us they will only be used when there is reasonable suspicion. It's a judgement call. It is a shame it has come to this. A far cry from my own school experience. We were pretty much free to come and go. No policeman assigned to the school, I believe they call them, school resource officers. That in and of itself I find troubling. The need is so great as to have full time uniformed police officers in the school. Much like prison guards, don't you think ?
I find the whole situation troubling to say the least. I do not have a problem with deploying whatever technology and resources are required to keep everyone safe. If the children are continuously exposed to this it will be the norm. I don't believe it will have any negative effect upon them. It is only those of us that have not been exposed to that that find it intrusive or unsettling. Sadly, I believe it is only a precursor of things to come. Look at our airports and national monuments. Notice the security there. I found it unsettling when I had to empty my pockets,remove my shoes and be searched prior to seeing the statue of liberty ! Ironic ?
It defines the word,does it not ?
I don't have any more answers to this increasing threat to our liberties and indeed to our country than anyone else does. There are so many factors contributing to this epidemic. Moral, social and economic influences. Broken families, broken promises and broken spirits. From my view a lack of accountability and responsibility. Criminals not held accountable for their misdeeds in the name of mercy and compassion. Responsibility shifted to others for actions taken or not taken. A pervading attitude of, everything is acceptable, and moral values no longer count. All this adds to the fire.
With the metal detector issue I can offer one common sense approach. Apparently the big concern is an invasion of privacy. Do school officials have the right to search the students ? Can they search their belongings ? There is much concern with what may be concealed in backpacks. Well, I know how to solve that problem. No backpacks ! When I was in school we carried our books on our hips secured with a rubber strap. Didn't hide anything and incidentally we also didn't have any back issues ! I would gladly relinquish that " right " in the interest of safety. I am quite sure there will be those that would want to challenge a ruling like that in court. That is the world we live in.
I worry about the grandchildren. One has just started middle school and entered that environment. Another is still in elementary. What do they have to look forward to in their school experience ? Certainly it will be different from the one I experienced and the one their parents did also. That much is inevitable. I can see public education being run more like an institution of a controlled environment, rather than an institution of learning. I know to them this is normal. They are not concerned beyond their own experience. It is only we that have had a different experience that find it troubling. Each generation wants better for the next. Are we providing that ? I fear we are letting ourselves down. We are not letting the children down for they have no expectations. They must accept what is offered. We need to do better. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A change in Tradition

Trick or treating was rescheduled for last night here in Greensboro. The air was a bit chilly and reminded me of my youth. I recall shuffling through piles of leaves on the way to those doors. I remember it being cold.
I have gone with the grandchildren every year. It is fun to watch their reactions to the ghosts and goblins about. There are a few houses we look forward too every year. One in particular is pretty darn spooky. You must walk down a driveway and enter a tent. Strobe lights are flashing and eerie music is playing. Costumed characters await your arrival. I have always accompanied the kids to this tent. They willingly go to every other door in town but this one they approach with much trepidation.
There is another home however that everyone loves to see. This home is always beautifully decorated with a theme of some sort. The theme may or may not be frightful. In fact, I don't recall it ever being what you would call scary. Now some may say it is a break with tradition and I suppose it could be construed that way. I personally think it is wonderful. This year this home was decorated to portray Cinderellas carriage. Complete with Cinderella, the wicked stepmother and a small mouse ! It was wonderful. The little children loved it ! Finally, a non threatening haven in the midst of all this horror. It must have been such a relief to some of them. Many pictures were taken and I heard no cries of fright.
I'm thinking I would love to see more of this. What fun for the little ones. There is certainly enough horror and bad scenes in the world that we don't need a night to celebrate it. Maybe we could just have a fantasy night of some kind. Homes decorated to reflect a happy pleasant little scene. Like going to a Disney village.
Wouldn't that be refreshing ?

Not my home or picture.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The latest thing

I often write about the things that used to be. Nostalgic little journeys. Yesterday though, it occurred to me that with luck someone years into the future may be reading some of my postings. That is, after all the real intent in all of this. And so I decided to include some " cutting edge " technology items. In a few years reading about those items may prove amusing. Everything changes so fast these days it is hard to keep up. This thought came to mind as I watched a television commercial for a Nikon camera. This camera has the capability to upload pictures directly to the internet. No computer required. Our phones have been able to do this for some time now but apparently the picture quality is somewhat lacking. My phone still does not have that function.
I admit I haven't done much research on this camera. Sounds pretty cool though. I wonder if this is something really new or if it just the first I have heard of it. I wonder too what sort of subscription would I have to have to be able to use it ? I think it is WIFI so I'm guessing you could do it whenever a connection is available. Send those photos to the cloud and you could take unlimited shots as long as the batteries held out. I do question the necessity of such a device. Then again, necessity has little to do with these neat little gadgets we have today. We have gone from craving the necessities to desiring the frills in life. But that has always been so. Man is insatiable in his quest for comfort and entertainment.
We never really know what will catch on and what will not. I remember thinking those cassette tapes were far superior to those eight track tapes. Analog technology, how yesterday can you get ? When the CD's were released that surely was the ultimate format, how much longer will they be around ?
One observation of mine is this, with all our modern technology and fancy new gadgets the best of things are usually produced the old fashioned way. Not as quickly, but superior in quality. Kodachrome film produced the greatest clarity in printed pictures. It is no longer produced. Hand crafted stands for quality. Grandmas cooking wasn't done in any microwave oven and little is done in them today. Good for heating or reheating though.
In an odd twist of fate only those of wealth can afford the best of things. And the best of things are not produced in a factory in China. Those items or crafts are produced by craftsman the same way they have been done for centuries. Those items survived the test of time. A hand stitched goose down comforter is still the warmest and the most desired. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Remember when we were children and we had our indoor voice and outdoor voice ? I do. Mom and the teachers didn't call it that exactly, think that was an invention of terms from sesame street, but the concept was the same. Children tend to turn up the volume wherever they are. Teenagers tend to rattle their eardrums ! Now I've noticed a similar experience with myself, except it is with my writing. I seem to have a writing vocabulary and my everyday vocabulary. Also my method of expression is quite a bit different. I would characterize my speech as colloquial.I would think that is normal enough but I wonder if an incorrect representation of myself is being portrayed. If that is the case , it is unintentional.
Some of you I went to school with a few years back. Well, perhaps more than a few years have passed, but nonetheless perhaps you remember me from those days. If so, I'm sure you would realize my everyday speech would come nowhere close to what I write.  I'm positive some of you had a much larger vocabulary than I and spoke with quite a bit less influence of dialect. I do wonder why this is ? Why would my writing not reflect my everyday speech ? Other than it would be difficult to spell all the slang and nuance of dialect I have no other explanation. Perhaps on some level I wish to present a different personality altogether. One of the educated upper class. Was this personality suppressed in my youth ? Certainly there was some resentment toward those that spoke more eloquently than myself. I felt they held a sense of superiority over me.  Perception or reality ? Most likely a little of both.
I read other's postings and wonder the same thing. Is this their normal way of speaking ? I do see some postings full of abbreviations and whatever you would call those " code " word things. Things like LOL. I understand that is a means of trying to convey emotions. What about you ? Does your writing,whether it be a letter or Facebook posting, accurately reflect your everyday speech ? Or, do you, like I, tend to dress it up a little bit ? Another driving factor is to whom you are speaking.
I'm thinking that maybe it has something to do with the permanence of the written word. Years from now, if by chance, someone should read my words I would hope to leave a favorable impression. A great deal of the time it matters not so much what you say, as the eloquence with which you say it. Don't think so ? Listen to a politician. Or a lawyer pleading his case. I prefer my writing voice but it wouldn't fare well in my real world. I would definately get some strange looks and probably cause some concern to those that know me.
And so I bid you ado, I leave you to ponder my existential musings.