Monday, May 21, 2012


We can not see time, only observe it's passing. What was here is gone, a part of the past. Time passes slowly and quickly . When we are young, time travels slowly. As we age the time speeds up. Time is all relative. Einstein spoke of this and created a formula to explain it. Or did he ? Can we as mortal men understand the passage of time ? The universe as we know it has no beginning and no ending. Time can measure distance but there is no distance to measure. A paradox for sure. We only know our own time is finite. That for us time will one day end is certain. What isn't certain is, will time continue after leaving this earth ? If one believes in eternal life the answer has to be yes. In that scenario our time is infinite. And if our time is infinite will it pass ? By definition it cannot. Therefore, time stands still. And if time is standing still, we will only know the past.
All time is the present. The past and the future only exist as a concept. The past we have proof of, but the future is always questionable. We count on the future though. We bet on it. Then the day comes when you lose that bet. And what happens to time ? Time marches on ! That's what I was always told and it is a universal truth. And another old standby, Time and Tide wait for no man. Hopefully though, time will just be marching to a different beat. On the other side time may not move at all, just marching in place. Eternal.
But all that leaves you with one question. Where does the time go ? It doesn't go anywhere. It is always present.

1 comment:

  1. You're too philosophical for my boggled brain this morning! LOL
