Friday, May 18, 2012

Opportunity Knocking

Not being much of a financial person I am confused by some things. I was listening to the news about the sale of Facebook stock. Apparently you can buy a share of stock for $38.00. There is much excitement about it. They say certain employees of Facebook will become millionaires. I get the concept that I now own a portion of the company. Should the company make a profit I get my share. Should they decide to sell I get my share.
Seems to me Mr. Zuckerman and company are the ones that will initially benefit from this. If they are already worth millions why would you sell off portions of your company ? That part I don't understand. I can understand the initial sale if you need an infusion of capital but I don't think he needs it.
The experts are saying Facebook may not be such a great investment. Depends on growth. Can Facebook expand ? Personally, I don't think I'd bet on it. Not that I have any money to invest but I've been tempted to tell Facebook goodbye a few times. This timeline thing just about did it ! I think if I had another way to connect with all my friends, Facebook would be history. My generation has accepted the personal computer. I would say the majority of us at least own and use one. Not so many of us Tweet or use smart phones. The next big thing is just around the corner.
Stockholders are going to demand dividends. And just how do you generate revenue ? Advertising or make people pay to use the " service." I can tolerate a certain number of ads but I will not pay to use Facebook. I can always send e-mail. And then could not someone else start a different social network ? I don't know the whole deal just doesn't sound good to me. They did say Mark Zuckerman will still retain about 56% of the vote. So, in other words no matter how much stock I buy it is still his ballgame. And it sounds to me like he wants more. And that leaves me with one question. What does he want more ? Facebook or money ? Just where does his passion lie ? Do great artists paint for the money or the art ? For me,if I have enough funding to continue doing what I do, I wouldn't be selling any shares. I'd want to keep it all mine and be beholding to no one.
I'm sure this has been said by others. There are those that thought the same thoughts about Edison and his light bulb. And those crazy Wright brothers. Opportunity may be knocking at the door. Don't think I would answer this time. I'm more interested in a tangible product. Facebook is really just an idea and a concept. Sooner or later there will be a generic version. 

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