Saturday, May 5, 2012

Got any secrets ?

Here is a random thought for you. If you were to disappear for any reason and others went through your home and belongings would they find anything you would be embarrassed or ashamed of ? Do you have any little hidden secrets ? I'm thinking the older you are the less likely this would be. I do wonder if that comes from age and wisdom or just because you're old ! That is not to say older people can't have secrets. And I'm not talking about drugs or pornography. No, there are other things that can be as equally embarrassing. Old love letters ?
Certain articles of clothing perhaps ?
I can honestly say I do not. I will not say that has always been the case. I'm just saying that that is my present condition. Anyone could go through all my personal belongings and find no secrets. Dull and boring is all they would see. Old pictures, favorite books, my tools, my writings and old clothes. I have rid myself of any potential for unwanted discoveries. My secrets are safe. This wasn't done on a conscious level it just happened naturally.
Those things that you know are just not right you get rid of. When you are younger experimentation is a necessary part of life. To taste the forbidden fruit. Some will always enjoy that taste. Some justify that taste. Others outgrow it. The thing is, is it your decision as to what is forbidden and what is not. I would agree that most things, as long as they do not harm others, are ok. Let us not confuse legality with morality. If it is illegal you shouldn't be doing it. The moral issue I leave to your judgement.
Some things get better with age. Like wine becomes more mellow I believe we should too. We should rid ourselves of the baggage of youth and inexperience. Embrace those things that are really important. Live your life as an open book. You are welcome to explore my pages. I will say this, a chapter or two may be missing but it really doesn't affect the story.

1 comment:

  1. A few missing pages, huh? My curiosity has me wondering....however, I will offer the right of self-censorship and editing. We all make mistakes that could be embarressing....who needs it?
