Saturday, April 21, 2012


I was asked recently why I write a blog. The truth is I started writing this blog as a journal of my memories and thoughts. I love to talk and tell others my views on everything and anything. Call it my contribution to society. Others may do good deeds, be healers and physicians. Me I offer my thoughts to you. Yeah, I know not much of a gift but it is what I have to offer. To say I do not get enjoyment from it would be a lie. I do. I like the idea of others reading my thoughts and comments and agreeing with me. Don't like it so much when they don't. (LOL)
Then one day a thought occurred to me. Do I have anything important to say ? I've been thinking about that for some time now. I know others would say, "yes, everyone is important " but that is not what I mean. I'm thinking about a profound contribution to the conversation. Something of substance and true value. We often quote famous people. Sometimes, it is the very quote that secured their fame. Think Benedict Arnold. I wonder if I have any quotes in me ? Now their is a lofty thought, don't you think ? Although I think it would be extremely cool if that ever happened. " Well, you know Ben said." And you knew who Ben was.
So now I'm thinkin' I'll keep on writing for another reason. Maybe if I write enough I'll say something of real value. Something more than entertaining. Something thought provoking and contemplative. Scholarly even ! OK, so I get a little carried away at times. I do enjoy the process though and do hope future generations of Reicharts will get some enjoyment from this exercise. And the truth of the matter there is I want to attempt to secure my own immortality. You are never really gone as long as someone remembers you ! And I'm writing a few reminders just to be on the safe side ! Better to err on the side of caution.

1 comment:

  1. You, Sir, are quite mad! There's a quote for you! I think someone said that, but maybe it was just me. Anyway, it may be the only thing I ever say that's worth anyone repeating.
    You know I'm kidding, don't you, Ben? I am, because I thoroughly enjoy your blog, whether or not I agree with you. But this one hit me close to the heart, and made me giggle. Keep writing...
