Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Truth

Last night I attended our monthly meeting of the historical society. We elected new officials for the year and had a guest speaker. This guest speaker, Ms Irma Harper, is an author and researcher. She presented evidence to substantiate a claim that a gentleman named Peter Rich is the true founder of Greensboro. Popular belief  has been giving credit to a Peter Harrington. Of local interest to be sure. 
Listening to this lady speak I couldn't help but think how she could effect a change. There are signs posted stating that Peter Harrington is the founder of Greensboro. Historical markers placed by the state. Our former Mayor is a member of the society and stated he had a speech regarding Peter Harrington. He told how he gave this speech every founders day and now that speech isn't valid.
This lady also described herself as a researcher. She didn't spell out her qualifications. I have no idea if she had any formal training. She is also an author. She has published at least one book. I'm not certain if it was published at her own expense or funded by a publishing house.
That left me with a few questions. If you pay to have your own book published does that make you an author ? I suppose by a strict definition anyone writing anything is an author. What I mean is would it be misleading to call yourself an author if you are paying to have your work published ? I hear that used a lot these days. I have paid to have my blogs printed in a book, does that make me an author ? I think not. Not unless a publishing house pays me for my work and people actually buy it. That's what I think anyway. As far as being a researcher I think anyone can do that. All it takes is curiosity,patience and persistence. Checking and double checking all the facts. I'm thinking it is a lot easier to do today with the internet, than in the past.
It is really not a matter of importance. She was an engaging speaker and I appreciated her efforts. The evidence she presented made sense and I would have to agree with her conclusion. Perhaps one day she will be formally recognized for discovering the true origins of Greensboro. 

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