Friday, April 20, 2012

In another world

I along with millions of others have been enjoying this new fangled " social media " for several years now. I don't do twitter but spend oodles of time on Facebook. At first it was just a diversion. I enjoyed reading the comments left by others. As I became more savvy I joined in myself. Then I started discovering people I actually  knew. Soon I had joined a group formed by those that grew up in my hometown. We all began to connect and share our remembrances. Old photos were shared. As this group grew in size I began to know not just those I had attended school with but their brothers and sisters. Strange how when you are in school a couple years makes such a difference. Two years ahead or behind and I barely know your name. But in this new social atmosphere, free of age bias, we all become acquainted. Following others lives via Facebook postings I feel like I am getting a glimpse into their lives. Paying attention you can begin to get an idea of their personality. I realize you must temper that with the knowledge that not everything you read may be completely straightforward. Nevertheless, I do feel like I have come to know quite a few people  I otherwise would never have known.
Yesterday when I went to check my computer I was met with a sad thing. Another " friend " was facing a serious illness. Over the years this occasionally happens. Just like in real life, in this world of social media tragic events occur. Prayers for recovery, strength and condolences are immediately sent. A community of support is available. In the end it turned out that God had called his newest angel to her reward. I felt a sadness come over me. I never really knew or met this person. Not in a literal sense. Yet I had shared comments and stories with her. I had viewed her pictures and listened to her triumphs. And now she was gone.
I will not mention this person by name. Those that are my friends will know of whom I speak. I will say this event has given me a different perspective. At first it was just a bunch of names and unknown faces. Being a natural skeptic I didn't take any of this too seriously. Now I'm beginning to see the world from a different light.  The world has suffered a loss. And it is a much larger loss than perhaps we would have been aware of twenty years ago. I am surprised by the personal impact I felt. In previous times reading the name of someone you never knew,or possibly never even heard of, passing away was an impersonal fact. But this was more like losing a friend. A friend I knew little of, only what she chose to share. Still that does not diminish my sorrow at her passing. It is truly a new world this social media. Rest in Peace my friend. We will all miss you.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly what I felt too, Ben...when I saw that post. I don't think we had ever met, face to face, but we spent hours on line chatting in instant messages. I think there are different levels of friendship...and one of those is the caring about those we know only from their words. She isn't just 'one of those names' anymore. She is a someone, who entered my life, and will be missed.
