Friday, April 6, 2012

Fight or Flight

There have been many calls to repeal the law allowing you to defend yourself. The so called " stand your ground " law. Those that would support this say it is confusing and often misunderstood. Yeah,well so is the tax code and that isn't getting repealed and I think a few of us would support that measure. Needless to say I disagree with repealing this basic right. Are we going to give the criminals more power and rights ? As if they don't have enough protection right now ? We are not going to be allowed to protect ourselves ? I realize they are talking about the use of lethal force. Now, unless I am an expert in self defense, I may tend to get carried away that is true. But it is not just the use of a gun that can cause lethal action. Rocks,sticks,a baseball bat or any number of things I may get my hands on can do some serious damage, believe me. If you are attempting to rob,beat or rape me expect me to use whatever force necessary. I will not be concerned with being fair or the rules of engagement.
I seriously wonder about the mentality of anyone that thinks otherwise. Just what world did they grow up in ? I grew up in America. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The criminals in this country should fear me, the average citizen. I should not have to live in fear of them. I will not write or repeal laws to encourage their deviant behavior. I believe I have the right to defend myself by all means necessary ! The fight or flight response is born into all of us. I'm not much on running. I'm not saying  I'm a " bad " dude but given an equalizer, I can be formidable when attacked.
I can't put it any plainer than that. To think that it would be against the law to defend yourself is ludicrous. To expect me to just throw my hands up and surrender is crazy. If it comes to that I'm serving notice right now, I will not obey this law and will break it whenever and wherever necessary. I will defend my ground.
To those that would argue this point. I know this law is presently in 28 states and I assume the rest do not. I do not know if Maryland has this law or does not have this law. Doesn't matter. Read the above again !

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