Thursday, April 12, 2012

What's your Story ?

Ever meet those people that tell you their life story in the first five minutes of your acquaintance with them ? Working in the grocery it happens to me all the time. Some are older people and I feel that maybe they are just lonely. Others are just talkers I guess. All it takes to start them up is a simple hello or good morning.
Now I admit to being somewhat of a talker. I have been known to express my views and opinions to anyone that will listen. I don't think I spell out my life story to everyone, however. At least I hope that isn't  the case. I do find myself making a conscious effort on occasion to curb my enthusiasm for shooting the breeze. After all, there is work to be done.
I have met those that will follow you around and keep talking away to you. You say hello and it begins. Trying to be pleasant and polite I'll say something complimentary or agree with them. Excusing myself to continue doing whatever it is I'm doing, I find this person in my wake. They have more to say. I've had occasion when it took several attempts to break free. Once I even ducked into the bathroom. He was there when I got out !
I do enjoy listening to people and their stories. It is just that sometimes the information they share is a bit uncomfortable. Details about serious medical conditions, family problems, personal relationships and such things. I just met you , I have no opinion and nothing constructive to say to you about why your ex wife took your money. To say these meetings can be tedious is an understatement.
It takes all kinds to make a world. You gotta love them. It is amusing that this should come from a person that writes a blog every day. The pot calling the kettle black ! Writing it down is different though. Isn't it ?  At least that I keep telling myself. That's my story.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I've run into too many of those folks. Some want sympathy, some want a listener who doesn't know anyone in their story, some just want to tell their story to anyone. Not much as I like people! Yes, writing is different because a blog can be read, or not. But you can't get away from those talkers, sometimes...even when you duck into the rest room! (we've got a couple of those in our family!)
