Thursday, October 20, 2011


October 13 we celebrated the 236th birthday of the Navy. I had forgotten all about that. The day commemorates the official formation by Congress of our Navy. Happy Birthday Navy.
As any one of you that have read my blogs know, I am retired Navy. I was reminded of this occasion by a video on Facebook. A brief history. Pretty Good, if you already know about the Navy history stuff. There was no narration so if you didn't recognize some of the scenes and portraits it wouldn't have been as good.
Watching that short clip did bring back some memories.  It also got me to thinking about how few pictures I took during that time. Special occasions like promotions sure, but the everyday stuff, not too many. I was just there doing whatever and not really being aware of the history I was participating in. Isn't that usually the way of things ? We don't give much thought to it at the time. Always figure there will be another time. Well, I'll never be out to sea on a Navy vessel again. That is all part of the past. It is rapidly becoming a distant memory.
I certainly don't think of myself as any kind of hero. I don't believe I did anything unusual or special. Knew a lot of friends and shipmates that did the same thing as I. I do wish ,in retrospect,that I had taken more pictures and recorded more of the total experience. The only mementos I have from that period of my life are the certificates I was awarded. I have a few old uniforms,my ribbons and medals. That's about it. Seems like after twenty years I should have more.
I entered the Navy during the Vietnam war and retired a few years after Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Witnessed a lot of history during that time. Isn't it strange how we fail to see the significance of events until they are in our past. I was aware of events at the time,I was there after all,but didn't place a great deal of significance to them. Probably a good thing though. If we became unduly concerned or aware of current events it may influence our actions. That's what makes a hero a hero. He is not thinking about himself or history, he is just in the moment. Only later,sometimes much later, do we reflect upon those things. Of course one has to keep in mind things are usually better in the telling than the actual doing. We do tend to filter our memories.
I spent many days at sea. I spent many lonely hours on watch. I traveled all over the world. Been through hurricanes at sea and even a few wars. Twenty years of life dedicated to that occupation. And that is what it was to me, a job. Probably the very reason I didn't take more pictures. I will admit to being proud of my time in service. I served with honor. I am reaping the rewards from that as well. Financial and personal.
I'm not saying I didn't enjoy my time in the service. I am saying it is a lot more fun looking back upon those years. When I retired it is customary for the retiree to give a short speech. An address I guess you would call it. I had mine written down. I don't know what I did with it afterward. Kinda wished I had saved that. I do recall the jest of what I talked about. I mentioned all the changes I had seen occur over that twenty year time frame. The biggest one being allowing women to serve at sea. A pretty radical idea at the time. There were problems and adjustments to make. I saw don't ask don't tell come into effect. Another radical idea. I recall mentioning how ideas and attitudes change with the times but people do not. Basically people remain the same throughout time. No matter the time period in which you served the feelings were common. Being lonely for those left ashore, sharing stories of them with your shipmates and a mutual understanding of the job at hand. A camaraderie unique to being a sailor. My major point being it was the people I had met and served with that I would miss the most. Not the travel,not the ships, or the personal gains made. No, it was the people. I still miss them all. I am not in contact with any of the old shipmates. That is just the way of things. I would enjoy seeing some of them again and knowing how their lives have progressed. In another way it is probably best not knowing. Leave those pleasant memories and friendships in the past. That ship has sailed. (pun intended).
What I'm saying here is pay more attention to today. Live today to the fullest. Record everyday happenings as though each were a special occasion. They are. It is great to look forward and plan for tomorrow but don't neglect right now. 

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