Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Coolest Bike in Town

It had been raining on and off for the last few days. The day was dawning gray and overcast but typical for September on eastern long island.A few streaks of red could be seen in the clouds. He had just celebrated his fourteenth birthday. Got a new bicycle in fact. Birthdays usually made him sad. His mother had passed away shortly after his own birth, and it was a reminder. When he was eight his father had passed too. Still, he lived with his Grandmother and Grandfather and that was just as good. They were both kindly people that loved him very much. He knew his Grandmother missed her daughter and said she lived within him. And Grandfather treated him like a son,not a Grandson. Sure, he was older than the other kids fathers, but he didn't act like it. And he did occasionally play ball with him.
It was Wednesday morning and time to leave for school. He was riding his new bike.It was the first time because he hadn't wanted to take it out in the rain. It was overcast, but pleasant enough and the school was only a mile and a half up the street. Looks like the sky might be clearing too. There is a slight breeze that may blow the bad weather off shore.Should be alright,Grandma thinks so.
He was having a hard time concentrating in class this morning. He had plans to put fender skirts on his new bike. Customize it. Grandpa said he had some material he could use and that he would help. It was going to be the coolest bike in town.
The window was open in the classroom and the wind seemed to be picking up. Maybe it was going to storm after all. The birds were acting a little strange,kind of milling about and making a lot of noise.Doodling a sketch of his bike with fender skirts in the corner of his math assignment he was in a world of his own. Suddenly he was snapped back to reality by a loud crashing sound ! A tree had fallen over right outside the window ! The teacher was shouting for everyone to get away from the windows ! A sense of panic spread throughout  the room.
Those weren't gusts of wind,it had become a  steady gale. Another tree had fallen, and some windows were broken. The teacher instructed everyone to go the gym immediately. The older students were busy closing all the windows and herding the younger children to the gym.Some were already crying. He had a bad feeling about all of this. This storm was becoming serious.
When everyone was assembled in the gym the principal announced the storm was very serious and no one was to leave the building. What ? Grandma is home alone and might need my help. I have to leave. Slipping out of the back of the room and racing down the hall he hit the closet available exit. The door flung open and practically left its' hinges. No matter,make a dash for it. Reaching his bicycle he jumped on the seat. The prevailing wind was westerly and that was fortunate for that is the direction of  home. No way could he have pedaled into that wind. Hunched over the handlebars and hanging on for dear life he headed home. The ride was the fastest and scariest ever. No need to pedal, just hold on and pray. Trees were down and debris flying everywhere. Try to not look around,it is too scary,just focus straight ahead. Miraculously he made it to Floyd street. That is home and Grandma. As he tried to turn into the drive a mighty gust blew him right over. Unhurt but shaken he just left the bike where it lay and struggled to reach the house. Grandma was there and she was safe!
 He helped her close windows and batten down.. He told Grandma he would keep her safe.  Secretly he just wanted to be close to her because it felt safer that way. He was scared! Grandma had a kerosene lantern and insisted they go to the basement. The storm raged around them for what seemed like hours. Grandma read her Bible and he just paced back and forth. Where was Grandpa and was he safe ? A short time after it passed Grandpa arrived home safe and sound.He had been stuck at work.
The next day school was closed and would remained closed for two weeks. Trees were uprooted all over town. No power and everything just a mess. The garden was destroyed. His bicycle lay right where he had left it.
Much later he did make those fender skirts.It was the coolest bike in town.Also the fastest. At least it was when being propelled by a hurricane!

The day was Wednesday September 21,1938. The place was East Hampton Long Island New York. He was my father. His birthday was on the 18th. He had just turned 14. The picture is him on the coolest and fastest bicycle in East Hampton. On that day, the hurricane called the Long Island Express, destroyed a good portion of town.
Most of the story is fiction. He did tell me he left the school on his bicycle when he wasn't supposed too. He was concerned about his Grandmother.The bicycle in the picture is the one and that is him. The year 1939. It was the spring following that dreadful event.

note the fender skirts front and rear and  he added a windshield just in case !

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture. The only photos I have seen of grandpa are when he was in uniform around the time he and grandma married. I believe I may have seen one of him around age 2.
