Monday, October 24, 2011

Everybody is doing it

With Halloween just around the corner I was thinking what a  strange holiday,is that the correct word,it is. What is it we are celebrating,exactly ? The dead. All Hallows Eve ? Sounds like something from Harry Potter. The deathly hallows or something like that isn't it ?
When we are children we just accept things for what they are. Christmas, we are taught, is Jesus's birthday. We can all understand that and the celebration to go along with it. Pretty cool that we get the gifts too ! Easter, he is risen and as a kid I never questioned why we got candy from a rabbit. Sounds good to me. And Thanksgiving was an easy one with the Pilgrims and all that. It all made good sense. This Halloween bit though ? I don't recall ever hearing an explanation for celebrating it. I must say I don't recall ever asking. It was fun and free candy so it must be alright. To this moment all I know is it has something to do with All Hallows Eve,also called All Saints Eve. At some point in history a day to remember the dead. I'm thinking it had something to do with the coming of winter and the crops. Could be wrong about that.
The thing is when you are children you just go with the flow. Dress up like a vampire,witch,ghoul(whatever they are) or whatever you like. Knock on strangers doors.  Threaten them if they don't give you candy. Hey,that sounds like fun ! It only works for one night though. That's alright let's go for it. No questioning the logic in it. As a kid I didn't care about the why of it. It doesn't make any difference.
I could look up a scholarly definition and explanation but I'm not. I don't really care. Didn't when I was a kid and still don't. It is just fun. The enjoyment of it changes throughout your lifetime. When you are young the actual trick or treating. Then perhaps the mischievous years. And for me, watching the Grand kids dress up and having their fun. I always enjoy watching all the little kids. How could you not.
The actual method of celebrating has changed a little since I was young. The times are regulated  now. Certain hours specified. Age limits are set. A lot more emphasis on safety issues. The costumes are far more elaborate. It's all good.
Why jack o lanterns,witches on broomsticks,and all things that go bump in the night ? I don't know.But using the logic of childhood, everybody is doing it. It is great fun for the kids.

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