Saturday, October 29, 2011

Being Discreet

It had been something that was just gnawing at me. Something I couldn't quite put a finger on. A feeling or a distant  memory. Then, like the proverbial light bulb coming on,it hit me. One word, Discretion. That is what I was trying to pin down. That one word described my feelings exactly! It is the lack of discretion I witness every day that was troubling my mind.  Discretion is fast becoming a lost trait. Deceit ,on the other hand,is approaching new heights. The two are polar opposites and discretion is taking a back seat. You can see the evidence of this everywhere. On the streets and on the TV.
One need only to look at the definition of the word to see the validity of my point here. It is obvious. Miriam Webster says this: exercising discernment or good judgement in conduct or speech.
I would have to say the majority of people I encounter on a daily basis don't do that. Especially in their speech. The frequent,and really irrelevant use of, coarse and profane language is evidence of that. I will admit this is generally from the younger crowd but there are those that adopt the ways of the young at any age.
Seeing the numbers of unwed mothers speaks volumes about exercising good judgement in their conduct.
The rising crime rate also speaks to that issue.
Webster also says, unpretentious/modest. Believe me when I tell you there is very little modesty left in this world.I know,I know I sound like an old fuddy duddy ! I'm just sayin' some of  the outfits I see people wearing in public are far from modest. Some really need to use more discretion in  selecting the proper size to wear,let alone the style ! I'm just sayin'. The definition also says, unobtrusive or unnoticeable. Well; that ain't happening folks. A good bit of the general public nowadays are very obtrusive,rude even,and definitely get noticed.
Everything and anything is posted on social media these days. The most intimate details of a persons life. Nothing discreet about that. Look at some of the top rated shows on television. What are they about? They aren't moral stories about exercising good judgement. Some,like survivor,promote deceit as being the most admirable of traits. It will win you a million bucks.Others promote a lack of discretion as a lifestyle. The Kardashians come to mind or The Jersey Shore. I admit I have never watched a complete episode of either of them but you get the point. These people are not exercising good judgement in their conduct.
Humans being humans have always been prone to making mistakes. It is the way we learn. That hasn't changed one bit over the ages. I expect it never will. The difference I'm seeing now is the lack of discretion .
I can only speak for myself. I was taught that discretion is the better part of valor. That is to say,fools rush in where wise men fear to tread. Given time I can come up with a few more cliches but to the point. The point being one should exercise discretion in their actions and deeds. There is no shame in it. It is not an admission of weakness. You can be whoever and whatever you want to be. Exercise discretion however in your choices and where you display those choices. One more cliche. Their is a time and place for everything. I'm just sayin'.

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