Monday, October 17, 2011


Writing yesterdays post brought back memories. Good memories of a time and place gone by. A little town where we all knew each other and the restrictions were few. A time when a fella could just grab his clam rake or fishing pole and head on down to the water. No worries about licensees or permits. No concern about trespassing on anyones property.
When you could put your boat up in your yard for repairs. No matter if it took a week or several months. The neighbors understood. They didn't complain about that. Could have a car in the drive too. It being licensed was optional. You might be repairing that too. No law against that.
As a young man I could wander far and wide. All throughout Northwest woods and down by the harbor. Go uptown to main beach if the mood struck me. Hang out at the Dairy, a small store called G&T Dairy actually but we always referred to it as the dairy.Even took my bicycle on the ferry and went to Shelter Island a few times. Didn't have a lot of concerns about safety. Just don't fall overboard or get hit by a car.
I thought it was a large area but in reality it was an area of just a few square miles. Well, excepting going to Shelter Island,that was a trip ! Seven miles to get to the ferry. A pretty good pedal. Only did that a few times. Pedaled to Montauk one time a distance of 18 miles ! That was enough of that. Wasn't much to see in Montauk anyway. An old lighthouse and a set of big shark jaws mounted on the ceiling of a bar. The Blue Marlin I think but might be another place.
Yes, I remember a place that you could catch or dig up your dinner. Wander freely about without too much concern. Seemed like a rather lonely and back woods place to live. Nothing too thrilling or exciting about it. Never could figure out why all those people flocked out here in the summer. Well, we all knew they didn't have no beach in New York City. That's where most of them came from. Some came from a foreign land called New Jersey too. Now those people couldn't drive worth a tinkers damn. Why they came out there thicker than termites. In fact that is what my Dad always called them people, termites. Don't go uptown today Bub, the termites are out ! I knew exactly what that meant.
Now the rich and famous have overrun the place.The real estate prices out of reach for the common man. We always knew it was going to happen. It has been a slow progression. Shame too. Nothing stays the same. I expect people said the same thing a hundred years ago. That place still exists in my memories and always will.
Damn termites have eaten away at the foundation of the place. They haven't been able to rob the beauty of that place though. It's history is being preserved. It's all good.

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