Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Time Marches On

Time marches on ! How many times have you heard that expression? It was one of my Mothers favorites. Still is truth be told. This old earth keeps on spinning and making its orbit around the sun. Man can only marvel at the wonder of it all.
Each time an event takes place be it good or bad I  hear: time marches on. Thinking back upon it though, it is more likely a bad event that took place. Someones passing or the loss of something dear.
Maybe a new road was built through the woods. Time marches on. A glance in the mirror and the notice of gray in my hair. Time marches on.
There is nothing to be done about time. You can't stop it,delay it or change it. Its inevitable. So too the events that shape our lives. We like to fool ourselves into thinking we have some control but we do not.
Choices made and courses set. The journey doesn't usually come out as we envisioned it. Other influences often change everything. We are pleased when things go our way and congratulate ourselves on our own wisdom and knowledge. When things don't we seldom blame ourselves and start looking for another cause.
Be it good or bad Time marches on.
It is the beginning of another year. A new block in time. As people we often reflect upon the past. Choices we should have made differently. The good things that happened and the bad. In the final analysis there is only one thing to say; Time Marches On.

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