Saturday, January 1, 2011

Spending Time

A new year and new milestones lie ahead. This year I will be 58. Not too bad. My Grandson will be ten. What ten ? A decade,Holy Cow where does the time go. It will have been forty years since I graduated high school. Forty Years ! Now that is a long time. Doesn't seem all that long ago. It will be 18 years since I retired from the Navy. Now that really doesn't seem possible. You can retire after twenty years of service and I've almost doubled that ? Man or Man. The cars I grew up with and drove in high school are all antiques now. Classic muscle cars. 2001 a space odyssey is ten years behind me and I vividly remember it being somewhere in the future.
Time. Man has tried to measure it since the earliest days. First it was light and dark. Then man divided up the daylight time by watching the sun,the night by the moon. Time. It never stops and we don't know when it began either. Wonder if you know when your time stops ? We chose to measure time in years,cycles of the earth,a beginning point and an end point something our mind can grasp the meaning of. As we age we become more aware of time. Remember when you were a child ? You could play until evening and never give a thought to time. Then came school and being on time. You got a job and had to be on time. All your adult life time plays a major factor in every decision. If you are lucky enough to retire then you wind up with time on your hands. Almost sounds like a bad thing now doesn't it ? Something dirty. I've got time on my hands. Don't waste time. You can never replace it. Do something with it but don't waste time. I don't want to be guilty of wasting time. Time marches on ! The time and tide wait for no man. Time is relentless. Time takes its toll on us all. Someday your time will come. Doesn't that sound ominous ? Almost threatening in nature.
The ravages of time have scarred the face of the earth. Time can be brutal !
On the other hand,take the time to smell the roses. Time is on your side. Its' only a matter of time. In time,this too will pass. Time heals all wounds. I love to spend time with my friends. Spending time,a precious commodity. We all only have so much time. Problem is we have no idea how much we do have.  Only one  man knows and he is not telling !
A new year and a new time. Take your time and spend it wisely ! That is my resolution for this year. To try to spend time more wisely. Spend a little less on myself and more on others ! Spend more time being positive and less being negative. Spend more time listening and less talking.
That doesn't mean I won't be writing this blog however. I've got a lot to say and a short time to say it. Maybe. Maybe Not. Time Flies when you are having fun.

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