Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Isn't it something how things change over time. What was bad is now good. In and out of favor. History does repeat itself of that I am certain. The only real changes are attitudes. Attitudes that were the norm and acceptable become a reason for concern.
This was brought to mind by a recent occurrence,at least recent to me. In my hometown there is an area being referred to as Freetown. Historically this name has existed for quite some time. It was supposed to be a hamlet but never really materialized. The original inhabitants of this area were freed slaves and Indians. Opps, Native Americans. Growing up I seldom heard the name of Freetown being used in any way. I recently asked my Mom,who is 82, about this. She told me her father would use the term,and not in a good way, but she never did. She also told me the reason for this.
As I mentioned this area was inhabited by freed slaves and Native Americans. For many years these two social groups did not enjoy favor in the community. You may be aware of the social injustice that was practiced. That is the very reason one did not want to be associated with that area of town. Although the area became populated with every social group in town the stigma remained for a very long time. Just when it changed I do not know. As late as the 1970's you just didn't hear people refer to it. I don't live there so I can only guess that now it is a source of pride to belong to this neighborhood. What was bad is now good. The only change was in attitude.
I wrote about this change in attitude as it concerned social classes in town as well. What was once not such a good thing,unless you belonged to that group,now gives you a certain amount of status. They have even formed a club around this so I hear. A definite change in attitude.
You can see this all the time if you pay attention. It goes beyond what is in style and what is not. It becomes a matter of social identity. Beatniks,Hippies,Rednecks and Preppies have all enjoyed favor and rejection.
In the last few years it's cool to be a redneck. I'm always amused by those people that change their identity to conform to the latest"in" group. You know the type. Some want to be identified with the group enjoying favor and others with the "bad" bunch. I think we are all guilty of this to a certain extent. I blame that on human nature. We all want to be accepted.

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