Friday, January 7, 2011

One Mans' Treasure

We have all heard the saying One Mans' Treasure is another mans' junk and it is certainly a true statement.
I enjoy the shows on TV like American Pickers,Pawn Stars and the Antiques roadshow. It is always fun to see what items are worth what. I'm afraid I wouldn't do very well as my estimates are usually way off the mark. It is an educational experience that's for sure. I think the Antiques roadshow probably gives you the best idea of value because they have so many experts and no interest in the object themselves. The Pawn guys are out to make a buck and they say so but I think they are a little more honest because they are being closely watched. I'm a little skeptical about what happens if you go there without a camera crew. The pickers provide insight into what may be valuable. The key point here being "may be."
As with anything you have to find a buyer. Fortunately we have E-Bay. This alone has changed the whole complexion of things. I can pop it on there and ask any old price I want. A lot of people see it and I might get lucky. Problem is a lot of others are doing the same thing. The market can get flooded. I have never purchased anything from e-bay nor sold anything either. My older brother has his own e-bay address and website. He sells coins,paper money and collectibles. I assume he does alright.
The thing with me is my Treasure has little to no value to anyone except myself. My treasures are old photographs of the family and some old knick knack items handed down. Other treasures of mine include a good book,some good music and some things the grand children have made over the years. I have some good stories to tell,at least in my opinion they are good,and even a recipe. The later being a closely guarded secret. I have a gravy boat (circa 1993 K-Mart) which I have promised to my daughter in law. (Inside Joke)
I would have to say my Treasure is definitely junk. Some of my items do have a collectors value I am sure. Nothing over maybe one hundred dollars on a great day at the auction. But my treasures are just that; Treasure to me. I enjoy and admire them for the memories that they hold. They are personal items. When they no longer become personal they lose their value and might as well be sold. It is a sad thing. Something once held dear and important put up for sale. You can argue it is going to a great home where it will be admired and taken care of but I don't think it will be treasured. For something to be treasured it has to come from the heart. Let us not confuse treasure and money. All the money in the world can not buy my treasure.
Given enough I will part with some of my possessions that is true enough but I will retain the Treasure.

1 comment:

  1. All my favorite shows as well! And I often wonder why the people on Pawn Stars don't put their things on auction to get more money - they must be out for quick dollars....its is Las Vegas after all...
