Sunday, January 30, 2011


I'm thinking I would have liked to lived in an earlier time. I enjoy doing manual labor and seeing the fruit of that labor. Whether it be building a house or growing some vegetables it brings satisfaction. The simple pleasure of a warm fire and a good pot of stew. Freshly made bread and warm cookies.
I realize in earlier times life was more difficult. People didn't live nearly as long and many illnesses had no treatment or cure. Still I think by hard work anyone could survive without resorting to being a beggar. You could trade services for food. There was always a way. You could hunt or trap or fish without restriction. Something you can not do today.
A mans word was his bond and was taken as such until proven to be otherwise. Today you had best assume the worst and hope for the best. Society was generally more polite and accepted behaviour was expected. Unacceptable behaviour was quickly corrected. It wasn't tolerated by the town in general and the offender was asked to leave and in some cases forced out. At the very least you knew exactly where you stood within the community.
Oh,I know the world has always had its' criminals and never do wells. There are always those that would cheat and take advantage of others. Often times in the past human rights were abused. We were not as tolerant as we are today. We were not as aware of the world around us and tended to live in our own little communities. Neighboring States or Countries seemed so distant. Those with wanderlust did explore and come back to their communities to tell the tales. For those, life was an adventure.
Yes,I think I would have enjoyed living in a  simpler time. In a time where a man could stake a claim and prove up the land. To make gains by the sweat of his brow. In a time when community mattered. In a time when your actions counted more than your money.
The world was a lot smaller then. So too was our knowledge. Ignorance is bliss or so it has been said. There may be something to that. Maybe the earlier time I talk about only exists on old television shows and movies. Hollywood has a way of romanticising. Well its' a comforting daydream anyway. Todays' world is much too harsh for the most part. But then as my Grandmother was fond of saying," Better Days are Coming."

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