Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Skeletons in the Closet

I'm sure you have all heard of skeletons in the closet. Those little family secrets that people don't speak about. They can range from the funny to the sad even good and very bad.Most find their way out of the closet sooner or later because it is just human nature to talk and gossip. Everyone loves a good secret,insider information. It is empowering somehow.Over the last few years I have uncovered a secret,actually two of them,while doing research into my family tree.The first secret I found was my Grandmother had lost a child.
I found her in the census records. There is still more to discover about her. My Mother is the last living sibling and knows nothing about this. The older sisters and brothers may have known but never spoke of it. I don't know where this child is buried but do hope to locate her one day.
The other secret was kept quiet mostly due I think to the old adage,it is not nice to speak ill of the dead. This policy was followed by my parents and I follow it myself. The secret concerns my maternal Grandfather. He passed away at home on Christmas Eve 1949. My sister and I hadn't been born yet. Growing up my Mother seldom spoke about her father and when she did it was usually to tell an amusing story about him. His occupation was a mystery as Mom never said what he did. As a child I don't remember asking either. From what I can gather he worked on the water some and generally did odd jobs here and there.
Now,in doing research into the family tree, I knew my Grandmother was born in Sweden and had come to America to care for a very ill Aunt. After her passing my Grandmother got employment with a wealthy family. This family is the Gardinier family. This family owned,among many other properties,an Island in Gardiniers Bay off of Long Island,New York. While employed by this family she met my Grandfather. They married and set up housekeeping in Northwest woods in the town of East Hampton. My Grandmother,whether she remained employed by this family or not I don't know,did remain friends with them at the very least. Here is where the skeleton comes into the picture. It seems as though my Grandfather was a man prone to drink. He would make a few dollars and spend it mostly on liquor. The story is he would go on the legendary benders we hear about. Sometimes lasting several days. While engaged in one these episodes my Grandmother was seen walking,with three small children,into town. Now it is a good three miles from Northwest woods to town. One of the Gardinier family saw her. To make a long story short they took pity on her situation. This family provided her with a home much closer to the town. This property was put in her name only. One more little skeleton was uncovered as well. Once,early in their marriage,my Grandmother took her children and went to a brothers house in Pennsylvania. Her intent was to leave my Grandfather. He followed her and convinced her to return home with him. I'm sure he promised to change. The brother offered to pay for her passage,along with the children,back to Sweden. When she told him of her decision to stay he informed her this offer was only good this one time.
She returned to the little home that had been so graciously provided by the Gardinier family. She went on to raise ten children in this home. She did laundry as a means of support. Grandfather passed in that house. She lived there until taking a fall and breaking her hip. I'm sure it was not the life she envisioned as a young girl coming to America. Good thing she stayed though or I wouldn't be hear to tell the story.

1 comment:

  1. A wise old gentleman back in the 1960s (with the last name"Ocborne") told me this: Any family that's been around long has skeletons in their closet and if they try to pretend they don't they're lying so don't be ashamed of your skeletons - they mean you family's been here forever! Only newcomers can hide theirs!" I've never forgotten it!

    Great story Ben.
