Thursday, October 1, 2015

The final quarter

 Well here it is the month of pumpkin ! Personally I don't care for pumpkin anything, except a good jack-o-lantern. Apparently pumpkin has gained in cult status only rivaled by bacon. Pumpkin is a seasonal thing though and for good reason, even those that love it can only stand so much of it. At the store the pumpkin cookies have arrived. They are joined, of course, by the Halloween sugar cookies. Scary cats, pumpkins and bats I think. All things fall are on display. Apples are predominate as well. You don't need a calendar anymore just look at the merchandise in the stores. Of course it is usually a few weeks to a few months early, depending upon the holiday. Ah well, we live in a consumer society. We make things to make money to buy things that other people built to make money to buy things with. That' the way it works.
 My granddaughter is a big fan of pumpkin spice. With her, all things pumpkin is a good thing. I expect by the time she grows up we will have moved on from the pumpkin thing. It will be sold  to her as a nostalgic thing. Special limited edition ! Probably cost a hundred dollars by then. When I was a kid it was candy apples. They were the big deal at this time of year. Now you see them and caramel apples too. I don't believe they are any where near as popular today. I seem to remember getting popcorn balls too, although I wasn't much of a fan. I figure it can't be long before we combine pumpkin and bacon ! Hey, I've seen stranger combinations than that in the store.
 The wife and I are considering a ride down the skyline drive this year. We have talked about this in the past. It is one of those things on the " bucket " list. Really I don't like that term " bucket list " but it conveys the meaning. It is something we have always talked about doing, once a year. Then the winter arrives and we say next year. Maybe this will be the year. It could be, just have to make it happen. The skyline drive is on top of the mountains so the wife has some misgivings but you can drive through the Shenandoah valley and look up too. I'm thinking we will do both.
 The final quarter of 2015 has begun. Mom always says, time go faster the older you get. I would have to agree with her. This year has certainly flown by. When I was a kid a week was a lifetime, now a month is a moment. I spend more time remembering what I did than actually doing. Life is a funny circle indeed. It comes back around. Next up is Thanksgiving. That's the day we give thanks for everything we have and go shopping for more the next day. I've seen that written and thought just how poignant a statement it is. One thing about getting older though, you begin to appreciate things a lot more. You begin to understand the material isn't all that important after all. A bit of it is essential, that can't be denied, but having the latest and greatest isn't al it is cracked up to be. I'll keep my jack-o-lantern thank you and you can have the pumpkin spice double foam latte with pumpkin flavoring ! Call me old, call me traditional, but be sure to call me for dinner. Oh, and no bacon for Thanksgiving !

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