Wednesday, October 21, 2015

just being me

 It is never too late to learn, but the later you do, the less time you have to enjoy it. Makes me wonder if you wouldn't be better off not knowing it at all ! It would be a sure way to avoid the , " if only I had " moments. Ignorance is bliss, isn't that what they say. Ignorance, by definition, is just a lack of knowledge, doesn't mean you're stupid. Maybe it is smarter to know less. OMG, I know too much ! I gotta quit this learning stuff. An old farmer once told me, the more you know the less you think you know. Took a while for the lesson to sink in but I understand exactly what he was saying. You keep learning to find out you don't know a thing.
 I would agree that it is never too late to learn. The thing is you can learn the information too late for it to be of use. That is what I am thinking about. Take something as simple as " dating. " Remember back when you admired someone but was afraid to even speak to them ? For a variety of reasons, that only made sense to you, you wouldn't just ask. Later on in life you learn that you could have asked and the whole world wouldn't have come to an end. That is only one example but there are many other similar things. The things I'm talking about are not exactly " regrets " just little life lessons. Regrets are different things entirely. Regrets stem from poor judgement, not a lack of information. To me regrets are those things that nag you year after year. Those things you just can't seem to let go of. Mistakes made that you cannot dismiss. Fortunately, I have few regrets. I do believe we all live with some degree of regret however, we are humans aren't we ? We make mistakes. It's understandable. Just not always excusable in our own mind.
 Learning how to live take years of practice. It truly is a process and comes in stages. As Shakespeare, and later on Elvis said, " each of us must play our part " and learning your role isn't easy. We begin as understudies. At first I just wanted to be like Dad. Subsequent to that I have tried to be many things and wound up just being me. What a lesson to learn. Kermit the frog sang a song called , it isn't easy being green and in that song he says it isn't easy being me. Testify frog ! Sometimes I can't hardly stand myself. How others, especially my wife tolerate me I'll never know. Probably one of those things I shouldn't learn either !

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