Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A subtle creation

 Memories are not made, they are created. As I looked at the pictures on my wall and the knick knacks of life upon my shelves that thought arrived. Each one holds a memory, a small moment in time captured. Some moments warm our hearts with the love held within, others may bring sorrow, for the memory itself. Each circumstance created was a combination of events. When we go on vacation or to a function we often say we are making memories but it isn't so. Memories are created, in a mysterious way, as a gift. That is why we " treasure " them so. You can't just make one whenever the mood strikes. The funny thing about these gifts is you may not know you received them until days, or even years later.
 What is the source of these gifts ? What force or forces created them ? I believe the primary source would have to be love. Love that was given unconditionally. The " gift " may have no more than a word or a pat on the back but arrived when you needed it. How else to explain the little incidents and nuances in life that remain with us. When we say, I remember, we are recalling the creation of a memory. Creation is always remarkable. One could say it is awe inspiring and that makes it memorable. So too memories are created by extreme sorrow and anger. These memories cling to us and sometimes haunt us. They do serve a purpose. These memories create a shade to the bright light of love. Love can blind us and give a false impression. They are unpleasant but necessary to provide that balance.
 I wasn't made either, but created. Each of us are created. The miracle that is life. Is it merely biology ? I think not. Man has always sought to know the creator of this earth, but more properly who or what created life itself. But you say, we can make life in the laboratory, in a test tube. It has been done. Yes, man understands the biology of life and what sustains it. That doesn't explain life however. That doesn't explain the " soul " of man. The soul can not be denied, even by the strictest scientist. Can we measure the soul ? Can we measure love ? Can we make a memory ? The answer to all three questions is , no. Yet we cannot deny their existence. All are created. All are the work of the creator, whomever you conceive that to be.  

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