Saturday, October 3, 2015

The conscience of government

 In Maryland some new laws went into effect. These are a series of laws concerning " getting a second chance. " They say many other states have enacted similar laws and it is time we caught up. Not being a criminal, and not knowing any either, I wasn't really aware of the need. The thinking goes like this. If you commit crime and serve time for that crime you will be held accountable for that past your time served. In other words, you will be held accountable for your actions but you should not suffer the ramifications from that action, the "ramifications" of that actions will be negated , by law ! The thinking being, that is only fair. What they are talking about is forgiveness. The question is, is forgiving, forgetting about it ? I personally don't think so. Your past deeds, or misdeeds for that matter, should be taken into account when judging your character. What other standard could I apply ? What I hope you will do ?
 These laws only apply to certain non-violent crimes, I didn't read the entire list but apparently these crimes are only a little wrong and therefore " forgivable. " or should I say " forgettable, " In addition, if you broke a law, a criminal act at the time but that law is later removed from the books, the conviction would be removed as well.  Just like it never happened. The government has figured out a method of rewriting the past ! They call it expunged. Again, it is only fair because it isn't a crime now, so how could it have been a crime then ? See the logic there ? Interesting.
 Now, all this was done because ex-cons were having a hard time getting a job. Surprisingly employers didn't want to hire them based on their criminal past. That is just not fair. This is especially so if they haven't committed any crimes recently. In all fairness these laws do say you have to be crime free for a certain number of years before your convictions are expunged. The law doesn't say how you get employed during that waiting period however, but I expect a special program can't be far behind. The poor criminal has served his time and all should be forgiven and forgotten.
 All of this is a reflection on society today. We are attempting to decriminalize the criminal. It all boils down to accountability. We are wise enough to know that we can't just allow everyone to do anything, laws are required, but let's not hold people accountable for too long ! That action is the result of " ramifications ." Ramifications are the consequences of our actions ! We are equally responsible for accountability and the  ramifications that follow. Ramifications are not the result of others actions, they are the result of your own. That, to me, seems to be the part these liberal lawmakers have brushed aside. Using that logic, the logic of these liberals, if I receive failing grades in school I will not receive a diploma. I was held accountable ! But, that doesn't mean I shouldn't get that job because of that, the ramification, because I was held accountable by not getting my diploma so it should be forgiven, forgotten and I must be treated in an equal fashion ! It's the law. At least today it is, unless we change it tomorrow then it wasn't a law in the first place. And then we wonder why we are in the mess we are in.
 Government as our conscience. What a concept and a progressive idea. The government can not make moral judgements that would just be wrong. Just ask any liberal and they will explain that is why the separation of church and state. The government can however dictate ethics. We can not judge a persons character on their past. To ensure this the government will conceal their past actions from us. How ? By changing the laws that were instituted to protect us from criminals. The laws that stated your criminal past would be a matter of public record. You know, back in the days when government felt you had an equal right to be informed. Back to the dark ages when the ramifications of your actions followed you around ! Back when we were held to a higher moral standard. And just what is ethics ? A moral standard and now the government feels it should define that standard. The government as a religion ? As a moral conscience ? Really ? What about that separation ? Creates a bit of a quandary now doesn't it ? 
 A final thought on all this " second chance " stuff, God help us all. That's all I can say. When we can commit crimes, just pay a price and all is forgotten, that is the beginning of the end. I no longer need to consider the moral principle, or the ramifications of my actions, only the cost. That and as long I only commit crimes that used to be crimes but are now not crimes. Except of course those crimes that may have been committed by my ancestors, then I need to pay reparations ! But don't get me started about that. I'm still trying to figure out why I am giving money to the criminals that sneak into my country. It is still illegal to just cross the border without documentation isn't it ? Oh, wait a minute they are not criminals, just undocumented. My government teaches me I should forgive and forget about that, it is only a little criminal, no problem, after a few years we will expunge it and give them full citizenship. They can just pay a small fee and all is forgotten. Such a loving and caring government.

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