Saturday, October 17, 2015

making too much

 I often hear the argument that big business is making too much profit. Walmart appears to lead the list. I hear complaints that the Walton family are billionaires yet pay only minimal wages to their employees. My question is, how much profit is too much ? How much are you allowed to make before you make too much ? Well, I hear that is different. What I don't hear is, how so. A business is in business to do what ? Make a profit ! It is really quite the fundamental principle behind any business. It is so basic it s not even mentioned in business 101. What is the purpose of working ? To make money. How much money should you make ? When are you making too much money ? You are making too much money when someone other than yourself sees your paycheck. Isn't that the truth ? Of course when you look at it, it isn't enough. Strange how that works.
 There are laws and regulations in place to provide a certain measure of protection for the workers. At first it was labor unions. There purpose was to represent the workforce and negotiate with the owners. We can see how that worked out, unions are out of control. And in those unions just who is receiving the major benefits ? Hint : it isn't the workers. Then the government established a minimum wage. This wage, not designed to be a living wage, it was to give the entry level worker some guarantees. I could go on but you get the idea. Now, I hear some wanting the government to limit the amount of profit a corporation or individual business can make ? The government is going to tell the business how and where to spend the excess profit ? Excess profits ? Is there such a thing ?
 What these people propose is an enforced state of " morality. " If I as the business owner make " too much " I should be forced to give it to the workers. It is only fair, right ? Yes, morally I should feel a sense of obligation and loyalty to my workers. Guess what, in the real world it doesn't happen that way. It is that way with most social injustice. I will say it again, you cannot legislate morality. Traditionally we relied upon on religious teachings to inspire that in others. Now, we insist on removing those same religious teachings from the government narrative but wish to impose them by law ! Well, except for the part of morality we find inconvenient or bothersome. Those we will label as " freedoms " and " rights " so as to justify them. Talk about being hypocritical.
 If your wage or salary is larger than mine shouldn't you be sharing ? What about your home or car. Bigger and better than mine, that's not fair. At what point is it too much ? Rich people ? How do you define that ? The only reasonable definition is having more than they need. Are you rich ? Depends upon how much you need doesn't it ? Can you tell me how much I need ? It is rather a problem isn't it ? Making too much money how crazy is that ? How much do you need ? Is what you have enough ? Maybe you want more, is that wrong ? Ask me; you make too much and should give me some.

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