Thursday, October 15, 2015

private and personal

This morning I woke up feeing a bit cynical. I am aware of it but experience the feeling nonetheless. I am human after all. I'm not quite certain what triggered this feeling of cynicism, I suppose it is a series of events. Some things are a slow build and others just rise up. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with breast cancer awareness month. All the little pink ribbons and the public expression of support. Of course I want a cure for cancer, all cancers, that is a no brainer isn't it ? This ribbon stuff all started because of an old song, Tie a yellow ribbon, Tony Orlando and dawn. I get it. The cynical part for me is who is wearing those ribbons or anything pink for that matter.
 It just seems to me that we have adopted the practice of publically supporting any and all obvious causes. Defeating cancer, anything to do with child and babies, gays, straights, bi-sexuals, and every other cause you can name has a ribbon. Why the need to display, tacitly voice, your support for these causes ? Especially so when the prevailing message of the day is, whatever I want to do is my business and you shouldn't judge me. Shouldn't we be keeping our causes to ourselves ? I hear a lot of people " supporting " this and that but see little in the way of action. The whole deal comes off to me as, look at me, look at me, I support whatever and that makes me a good person. Now that is being cynical. It comes off as a " profile " page in my opinion. By displaying the proper array of ribbons I can write my profile page to show what a compassionate and caring person I really am. Right, just like that high school picture you use for your profile picture is what you look like today. Yes, I'm a cynic this morning.
 A part of this stems from my own upbringing. I , nor my parents, were ever much given to public displays of personal feelings. If I chose to wear a cross I did so under my shirt. I dislike bumper stickers supporting any candidate. and I don't publically profess my love for anyone. All those things are personal and private to me. I don't believe I need to tell anyone I support curing any disease or protecting the welfare of children. Of course we should treat everyone with respect, don't need ribbons to remind me. Fact is if you need a reminder about something, it is probably because you tend to forget about it. What does that say about the importance or priority in your life and conscience ?
 Now with close friends and family the " rules " are different. In that situation I will confess all my feelings. That is the difference between public and private. I don't air my dirty laundry, as Mom would say, but wash it out privately. All these displays of ribbons and banners can cause unrest as well as promote unity. They are akin to flags, wouldn't you say ? Now some flags are " offensive " nothing new about that but the recent banning of displaying them is. Prior to that we relied upon common sense. Other examples ae wearing " gang " colors to school or I hear certain types of shoes. But walking around displaying all the " safe " flags, banners and ribbons is applauded ? That is cynical.
 Well, that is how I feel this morning. It will pass and I will return to the real world again. I do think that we should all explore what we feel and express it in some form. It is a release. It doesn't mean you are committed to it. I understand why some choose to wear the ribbons, the original intent. Raising awareness is a noble cause. Thing is, if you are wearing the ribbon you are already aware. If you are not, you either already know and chose not to wear it or haven't a clue. I have never ever asked anyone why they are wearing a particular ribbon if my life. I do not question others fashion choices. Bottom line for me, private and personal shouldn't be publically displayed.  

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