Sunday, October 11, 2015

included in the catalouge

 Yesterday I finally mounted my old ships' bell. I got this bell from my dad. He had it on an old wooden boat named the Montauk. I wrote a story about that boat some time back and I do have fond memories of that vessel. There is nothing quite like a wooden boat, especially an old well seasoned one. The smells combined with the way they take the sea, well it is just indescribable. The bell is one piece of memorabilia from that and I also have the running light. That light is mounted above my desk and burns non-stop day and night. Originally it had a small kerosene burner inside, now replaced with a night light. I love the soft glow it puts off. The red and green lens indicate port and starboard, but remind me of right and wrong. Somehow in my mind tied to my father and his instructions. These two items, the bell and light meant something to him as he saved them. Now they are mine.
 I have been displaying my " antiques & mementos " gathered over the years. Most have been handed down and wound up in my possession by accident more than design. I feel a certain sense of responsibility for them. I want then preserved. More importantly, I want them understood. Each object has a story, a history behind it and that is the value in these things. None, that I am aware of, hold much in the way of monetary value, although they may one day. It is the sentiment that I want to convey, to move forward a generation. With some of the things I don't have much in the way of a back story, only speculation. The story was lost to time and no one taking an interest. That is why it is important to record those tales. The objects we acquire for ourselves or inherit from others will ultimately become the catalogue of our lives. The tangible things left behind as reminders. Can inanimate things contain a spirit ? No, I don't think so, but they can stimulate your own senses. They can move future generations as well, if the story is known. The story is the life.
 There are the things I use everyday that belong to me. I don't give those things much thought. They are stuck in a corner somewhere or in the attic. I wonder what items my children will " discover " and regard as a treasure. These objects may be large or small. I have great grandfathers tie-tac, a small treasure. Just a small piece of jewelry but one he wore often. I don't think you can choose what items gain that status. You can not " make " a memento hold value for another. One cannot instill sentiment into an object, it must grow on it's own. You can just never tell for sure what will endure. What items will be included in the catalog ? By displaying those things I hold close it is my hope that they be included. I try to make their stories known. The final irony is that I will never know. Or will I ? I'll just to wait and see.

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