Monday, October 12, 2015


I often find I adopt little themes in my life. They may last a day or two. Sometimes I am quite political, while other philosophical. I go from aging grandfather to feeling like the young man I used to be. All these lives are inside me. All of them want to roam free. We label these lives, moods. What mood are you in ? We may say he or she is in a mood, implying that it is a bad thing. The truth is the mood may just be different than what we expect from that person. In fact. I would say that is exactly it. Any departure from your " normal " state and you are in a mood. Each morning when I sit at this keyboard I subconsciously convey my mood. It is mostly what I'm writing about. Funny thing is, I think most anyone that knows me wouldn't consider me a moody person. Generally speaking I'm a happy go lucky kinda guy. I don't sweat the small stuff. That attitude was the root of my raising. I grew up with, making do and doing it yourself.
 A good portion of the stuff I write about concerns philosophy. I like to think about things, Some are sermon like in nature. They are all what I think at the time of the writing. I have found very few I would retract or change in any significant way. They reflect my many moods, moods that we all have. I believe the trick here is not to get stuck in a mood. That is when frustration sets in. Is that the cause of mental illness ? Are those with those issues simply stuck in a mood ? It could be, although quickly shifting from one mood to another has a name also, bipolar ! At least that is the term I hear used a lot these days, when I was growing up we just called those people " flighty. " Now, don't get upset I'm not making fun or taking mental illness lightly, I'm just sayin'. The drugs prescribed by the doctors are " mood altering " are they not ? I rest my case. In my younger days I have been known to use alcohol to alter my mood, and that option is still om the table, but seldom employed. I have found it to be a temporary fix and the results are a bit unpredictable. Depends on the mood I am in when administered !
 I do think we tend to want to " correct " others moods a bit quickly these days. We are too fast to diagnosis. We are also far too quick to judge ourselves and get lost in that scenario. Like any " illness " moods should be allowed to run their courses as naturally as possible. Masking the symptoms will not provide the cure. Learn to deal with it. You should experience the mood. Then having experienced that mood, think about it and what it was telling you. All of our moods are a reflection of our lives and situations. It doesn't necessarily imply illness. Life is like a voyage upon the sea, it isn't always smooth sailing. Any port in a storm ? Well the truth is you are better off at sea than tied to a pier. There are no pilings to smash into out in the ocean my friends, you need only weather the storm. Sunrise the day after a storm at sea is a beautiful sight. To look out upon the smooth waters and see blue skies once again.
 Strange isn't it ? If I say " you are in a mood " the implication is that it is a bad thing. If I say, " I'm in the mood " that implies quite a different thing altogether. Our moods are nothing more than states of being. Keeping an even keel is the secret. Take on only the ballast necessary, too much or too little cause a rough voyage. Baggage can have a similar effect. The day lies before us, make the best of it.

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