Friday, October 30, 2015


 I have decided to refrain from making political comments on Facebook. It will be akin to not swatting at mosquitoes,  they are irritating but it serves no purpose. They are not going away and I am not going to make them stop. I do value my friends, both real and cyber ones. I have said it, Mom said it, and her mother before her said it, one should not discuss politics and religion in polite company. It is sound advice and I should be following it. Facebook is a social network, that is how it is defined. We should all be sociable. That is the very reason I begin each morning on Facebook with a Good Morning to all. As Sheldon Cooper  would say, it is the social convention. So from this day forward I will not engage in posting my political leanings. It will be difficult for me but I must try.
 Everything evolves over time. I was remembering the days of the " chat rooms. " That was back in the infancy of the internet. I hadn't heard anything about chat rooms in quite a while so I googled it. To my surprise I found out that they do exist but their purpose is quite different. According to the article I was reading the chat rooms are the " seedy " places of the internet. It is those areas that law enforcement monitors most closely for illicit activities. I can remember having quite the pleasant conversation with total strangers. I was always very careful to not reveal too much information of a personal nature and never took what others where saying too seriously. I was never, ever, tempted to go and meet anyone I had met on the internet, that always seemed like a crazy idea. I do know that it worked for some people however but the other stories I heard about gave me more than pause, they put the brakes on completely. Remember when we talked on there and used " screen names ? " They were like CB handles for those that remember that. I never really had one I just used my name. Never could decide upon a screen name or handle I thought was " cool. "
 I have noticed the changing atmosphere of Facebook. It is less " social " than it used to be. The postings are becoming a bit more caustic. I'm convinced it is because of a basic human desire, to be noticed. We all like attention and I'm certainly no different than anyone else. I am just as guilty. That is why I will try to refrain from the political stuff. I'm quite certain I will not change anyone's mind or political affiliation. I'm equally as certain that eventually I will make someone mad ! There really is no need to stir that pot. To be truthful I certainly hope no one is basing their decisions upon what is posted to Facebook ! Psst, some of it is not true. Yes, I know but everything on the internet is not always fact. Some of it is just conjecture. Truth is, most of what any of us say is just conjecture. The very reason we sometimes call someone a " know it all. " No one really does, know it all, and therefore what they say is conjecture. It is just that some conjecture more than others ! Some fail to contemplate before they conjecture ! Just imagine that.
 All social media, chat rooms, Facebook, twitter or whatever will change over time. I believe it is simply because it provides a method for people to hide. They can sit behind their keyboards or phones and just blurt out whatever rhetoric they choose with almost impunity. So much so that we have " cyber-criminals " and law enforcement is required to monitor the networks. These folks are well aware what they are doing is morally and ethically wrong. Doesn't make any difference though if you can effectively conceal your actions. That is the thinking anyway. A reflection of society and some would say, human nature. Humanity does seem to gravitate towards the unseemly. That is why we " legalize " those activities and call it social progress. It is an attempt to remove guilt. But I have wandered off the topic. I will no longer post political comments on Facebook in an attempt to keep it social just a bit longer. It won't be easy.

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