Friday, October 2, 2015

The evolution of man

 Man, the provider. The alpha male has always provided shelter for his family. At first it may have just been a tree branch and they crawled underneath. After a while man moved into a cave. He made fire and the women began to cook. That is how it began. Soon after man had his " rock " by that fire and from that rock he ruled the family unit. As time went forward the cave became inconvenient, often damp and sometimes shared by animals. Women didn't like that so, well let's just say man found alternatives. Man could fight animals and sit closer to the fire but man has no defense against nagging. Man began to build homes.
 In the beginning they were simple one room affairs but provided more space that was pleasing to the women. It had a door that could be closed, keeping the animals out and the man when he didn't behave ! Not long after that idea came the bedroom. Then a woman could go in there and just close the door. The man was left in the other room. It wasn't so bad it did have the fireplace and maybe a table and chairs. The evolution of man had begun.
 Over the years the home changed. At some point a dining room was added. This was a room where you went to eat. It was also a room controlled by the woman. Man was not allowed to dirty this room up. When a man entered this room you had to remove your hat, wipe your feet and use a napkin ! The man did get to sit at the head of the table to signify his position but we all knew who was in charge in this room. Just shut up and eat. But man devised a plan, a new room called the living room. A man could " live " in this room with greater freedom. Once we got the television we made snack trays and so began to eat in there. The days of the dining room were numbered. Sadly, that didn't last. The woman began to take over the living room, making it a showplace to impress their friends. Man built a den. Beavers Dad had one and so did Fred McMurry on my three sons. The den somehow became transformed into sewing rooms and taken over with crafts, but man is a resilient creature and found a solution. When I was a child he began to transform the basement. Bars were installed and pool tables. Some had advertising signs as well. It was a man's world down there ! Women were only allowed in there for " entertainment " purposes. Man had taken back the cave !
 I don't know what caused the next change, maybe it was the " Brady Bunch " but the family room was born. Maybe it was Gloria Steinem and the whole women's' movement.  The basement bars were all closed down and man had to move to the family room. Now, the family room was a room for entertainment purposes but women and children were allowed. In fact there presence was encouraged. This trend continued for some time. The television became the thing that man could control in this environment. At first he just ordered the changing of the channels, later the remote became his scepter. This reign culminated in the building of the " home theater. " It also spelled the end of the family room. Man however, in his never ending quest for dominance in the home, has found yet another solution. We call it the " man cave. " We have returned to the cave. The last one I saw was in the garage. By garage, I mean a two car garage attached to the home. It does have the flat screen television with remote control, comfortable chairs and a refrigerator to keep the beer cold. Sure, it is a little damp and animals may get in there but that is not the point. This room belongs to man. Man has evolved and returned to the cave. Back to our roots. Now that I'm thinking about it maybe it is the woman that has made the most progress. They do get spa days.

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