Saturday, October 10, 2015

Humility,heroes and discipline

 What's wrong with the world today ? I hear that question asked at least three times a day while at work. Mostly it is the older generation, of which I somehow have become a member, that asks. I know that it is a rhetorical question and no one expects a response. It is just the opening salvo in a string of lamentations to follow. I understand and empathize with the questioners. I have also given the question some serious thought and arrived at this conclusion. What is wrong today is there is a lack of humility. Just how this came about is another question entirely. I tend to place the blame where my Mother would, with that darn Dr. Spock and his baby books. Mom and generations of parents before her subscribed to the old adage, spare the rod and spoil the child. Their child rearing techniques relied upon discipline. Proper discipline fosters humility. That is because the individual feels they have done what was expected of them. There is no undue pride or sense of achievement is doing what it is expected. The evidence of this can be seen everyday. How many " professionals " are now routinely called heroes ? There was a day when it took a truly heroic effort to garner that description, now you just join the outfit. No matter what you have or have not done, you're a hero. Building self esteem they call it. You hear that a lot these days. Should be building discipline instead. If more of our children where more "self disciplined" due to having been raised in that fashion we just might have less crime and violence than we do. It is people who commit offenses against society, not inanimate objects. Is it mental illness ? A lack of discipline is more likely the cause in the majority of these instances. Humility is learned through discipline.
 Unfortunately somewhere along the line humility as a virtue has been set aside, dismissed as a bad thing. Now it all about aggression. Oh, we call it being assertive, but that is a fine distinction. Society in general has become more aggressive. That is the prevailing attitude in my opinion. Profane language and loud speech. People are demanding more and being more " assertive. " Gone is the art of gentle persuasion. It is all about " rights " and  " entitlements. " Yes, I can make you serve me, but not serve me well. I can not legislate respect any more than I can legislate morality. Each can also not be enforced by aggression. Compliance is better achieved through persuasion.
 There are some that would say what is lacking is civility. I wouldn't argue with that assessment either. Civility is tied to humility, is it not ? Being " civilized " means being morally superior. The only problem being defining that moral standard. Traditionally, in America that standard was established by our Judeo-Christian heritage. Is it a coincidence that the more we, as a society, reject those principles the less civilized we appear to be ? I think not. Humility is a cornerstone of that tradition. To be humble before your God and in turn before your fellow man. And so that is why I say, humility is what is wrong with the world today, a lack of humility. Man is no where near as smart as he thinks he is and no where near as powerful. We will be put in our place ! Just give it time. Did not Jesus say, " the meek shall inherit the earth. " The " meek " here are not weaklings or those that just follow along. In this context the word meek means, strength under control, or I would add discipline. Those that are true to Jesus and the Judeo-Christian traditions will inherit the earth. Those are the ones that will prevail, not the arrogant or aggressive.
 I didn't intend for this to turn into a bit of a sermon but wanted to explain my reasoning. I am bothered by the lack of discipline I see in the youth of today. Freedom they say, but they do not understand the meaning. True freedom is living with your conscience, not dismissing it. What is worse is attempting to replace that same conscience with " science. " Right, we have all the answers. Now that is a real lack of humility !

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