Wednesday, September 30, 2015

All things considered

I find myself wondering more and more, what should I be doing to finish up ? It's not that I expect to be finished any time soon but one does need to plan head. It is only realistic to consider that my life is well past the halfway point. With that knowledge comes thought. I could spend my time thinking and worrying about the inevitable but what would that do ? It would probably just shorten the time I do have left. None of us can know the timeline of our lives but we all know it will end. We also know the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. I am happy to report I have taken a long and winding trail to get to where I am. I can honestly say I haven't missed much along the road. I have achieved some goals as well. I could say I have had several careers. My present career will soon end, by my own choice. That is why I find myself wondering how to finish up. What will be the last thing ? The big question is , do I even get to choose ? On the surface you would have to say, no. We can't know the hour of our passing, therefore we cannot know the finish, that is part of the plan The thing is I  don't want to leave things unfinished. That creates a quandary for me. Is it a compulsion ? Na, there are lots of things I haven't finished because I lost interest in them. Life isn't one of them however !
 Now all of this is just a passing fancy at the moment. That is what I usually write about, the things on my mind. I try to make it interesting for others to read and consider. I'm hoping I have similar thoughts as other people. If my thoughts are too " different " that could be a problem. A problem for me, not the other people that is. I believe my audience is of a certain generation for the most part. I haven't studied the demographics to determine that but am just guessing. I was wondering if others my age are considering the same things. It isn't a very comforting topic, that much is sure, but familiarity with the subject does ease some trepidation. I find it best to consider all these things a little at a time. I'm wondering if I should be doing just what I want to do , for me. I mean is that how I should finish up ? Have I earned that ? Do you ever earn that ? I have been taught and have come to believe the greatest service you can perform is for others. At times that is an inconvenient thing. It is a piece of the struggle though, isn't it ? Maybe it is possible to do both. I think that must be the rarest gift of all. It is certainly the purest form of love. To do whatever you do because you love doing it, all the while benefitting others, expecting no return at all. That is the stuff saints are made of. I'm no saint, you can believe that !
 I'm thinking the end point is just an elusive dream. You haven't had it yet but you know it's coming. Are we prepared for that ? Well that is the big question in the room. I think it will come as a surprise, no matter the time or circumstance. It is really just a matter of doing what you feel best I suppose. This finishing up, I mean. As I look back upon my life I would have to say, all things considered, I've been very lucky. My final hope will be, all things considered, it was good enough. I'm thinking now I had best get busy adding to my résumé. Can't be overly cautious about such things I do want to finish up with a flurry ! I'm always liked the big dramatic endings. A few words of wisdom and a final gasp. Words that the next generation carry with them. I hope I don't say something simple. Something like, I want pudding.

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