Saturday, September 5, 2015


 How is it that man has reached a point where he feels he knows it all ? That can be the only explanation for man's abandonment of God. When we no  longer look to and ask the guidance of our God isn't that what is implied ? That we already know the answers ? The idea that this earthly life is all there is certainly must play into that scenario. Remove any concern for the everlasting and that can justify some of the behaviors we are witnessing today. Just do whatever you feel necessary to survive the day. In reality it is an abandonment of hope. Hope for tomorrow and hope for future generations. Faith is fueled by hope. Indeed, humanity is fueled by hope. When hope runs out, faith dies.
 What does every generation want ? Something better for their children is the obvious answer. It is in the definition of " better " that the truth lies. By better do we mean more ? More clothing,housing,food,comforts or technology ? Is that the better we are seeking ? Or is it more financial success ? What is better than today ? Tomorrow ? That is the hope isn't it ? That tomorrow will be a better day. Better by who's standards though ? Can we judge tomorrow by today ? Each day is a unique gift, a miracle. We do tend to take that for granted. Not surprising seeing as it has happened every day for thousands of years. Still, if one considers the big picture, just a small speck in time, We know that, yet we ignore that inconvenient truth. We are taking " hope " for granted. We believe we know the answers to life and to creation. We can explain it all. Explanation removes the fear doesn't it, it also removes the mystery. But our explanations are mere illusions, we can not create a universe, or a life. A big bang ? Perhaps, but what caused that ? The questions only continue. We must go on faith and faith is fueled by hope.
 There are those that say hope isn't enough, that only knowledge can provide the answers. The real issue is, do we need to know ? Is the primary objective to know and explain ? Knowledge does provide man with the fuel for hope. Isn't that what drives the great inventions ? The hope that we can do something better,faster,cheaper and more efficiently ? The hope that we can provide medicines and treatments to combat the afflictions of man ? The hope that we can somehow ease the burdens of the mentally ill and erase all the suffering of man. Is the objective to know or to cure ? Does it matter why we love, as long as we love ? Where has thousands of years of accumulated knowledge gotten us ? Are we better ? Better than what ? What is your hope ?
 My hope is simple. I hope to contribute something of value to the whole and to be remembered. I am but a tiny cog in the world. I was put here to perform a function. I will complete that function, whatever it may be, of that I am certain. I may never know what that purpose was but that isn't as important as the task. If I am to know, it will be revealed to me. Whether I was created to perform an amazing task, or be a bit of sacrificial material is not that important. I must continue on hope. Hope will feed my faith. Even if that faith is nothing more than, I hope I am correct. 

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