Sunday, September 27, 2015

Just checking in

 I bought a new computer because the one I had was acting strangely. In one of those things of the modern age it is cheaper just to replace rather than repair. So, when I got up this morning I began a process. At least it is a process for me. I'm quite certain a person that is computer literate would not find what I'm doing much of a challenge but to me the task is almost monumental. I'm attempting to transfer all my files from the old computer to the new. Interesting enough is the fact the fact that the " old " computer is running windows ten and the " new " windows 7. I keep running into all kinds of notifications about compatibility issues. You would think it would be no problem because they are both Microsoft but that is definitely not the case. Anyway that is why I am writing this blog so late in the day. At this point my brain is almost fried ! I am making some headway, I think !
 In other developments this day my grandson broke up with his girlfriend of one year. He is not saying much about what happened. Grandpa is staying quiet about the subject. I was going to offer my advice, well I did but he declined, so I haven't said anything further. I did want to point out to him that there is the primary rule in these situations. That rule is, the man is always wrong ! Even if you feel you are right, you're not ! Relationships require compromise. Just look at the word itself, compromise. Co, meaning two. the m is there to signify a man, and the rest is promise. The man must promise to not do wrong again ! If she believes you , you may receive forgiveness. Remember however that it will not be forgotten, ever ! And the worst part in all of this is the girl will tell all her friends, you will tell her friends. It is similar to social media except the network is far more extensive. There was plans for the Homecoming dance but I'm assuming that isn't going to happen. We'll have to wait and see. Young love and drama, I vaguely remember that angst.
 Now I'm just gonna stop and watch football. My head hurts from all this computing. I'll get where I'm going in due time. The wife isn't happy with the mess I have going but has been patient so far. I've got computers and wires everywhere. Enjoy your day whatever you are doing. I just wanted to check in.

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