Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Thinking about it

 Putting things off will not make them go away. I know that as sure as I know the sun will rise, yet, I still do it. Some of the things are just silly little things and others are of great importance. Can you do that ? Put things off I mean. I hear some people can't sleep at night for worry but that doesn't seem to be a problem for me. In some ways I'm like Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind. Oh bother, I can't be worried about that today, I'll worry about that tomorrow. That character was portrayed as silly and frivolous but she did contain  great qualities as well. In the end, she was the heroine.
 Procrastination is the word for that action, or rather, the lack of action. I had that written on a pillow given to me my an aunt. I believe she was trying to tell me something even then, when I was about fifteen years old. I suppose I was putting things off then too. I do remember being reminded to " clean your room " frequently. Perhaps I put that chore off as well. I have  learned to live with this character flaw, I just put off changing it ! I'll work it one day. Wait long enough and things will change, is my motto. No need to get all excited and rush into things. One should carefully consider all the options first. To some it looks like procrastination but to me it looks like contemplation. I do like to contemplate the situation.
 Putting something off is a method of avoidance. I think we would all like to avoid the unpleasant things in life. There are those that just want to get it over with and then there are people like me. I'll get around to it. Once I get started I don't like to stop or be interrupted though. Either of those actions may cause me to contemplate things a little further. The usual result is frustration on my part and anger on the part of others.
 I have written in the past, on several occasions, a saying my Dad used often. Either defecate or get off the pot ! I understand that sentiment exactly. Dad would apply that advice when he felt you couldn't make up your mind about a course of action. Either do it, or leave, was the meaning. That only applied to the physical I believe, Either do the job or get out of the way. Good advice. The things I tend to put off are the same things Scarlett O'Hara did. They are not physical activities but things of the mind concerning morals and appropriate actions. They are the things that require contemplation. Those decisions will ultimately be made, either by myself or time. Time is the great equalizer, catching up to us all. In the end, time will overtake us. all. That is something that can not be changed. These personal decisions ( actions ) can have positive results. They can bring peace to our lives, They can also bring regrets. That, I believe, is what I wish to avoid more than anything else. I do not like being wrong ! When I cause regret, either for myself or for others, I feel like I have failed. You can't fail if you do nothing, right ? Well, inaction can cause regret as well. I'll have to think some more about all of this.  

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