Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day

 This being Labor day I thought I would write my thoughts about that. Labor day was first observed in 1886. From what I have read there is some debate about who proposed the holiday. We are certain about one thing, it was a person that wa a member of a labor union. Whether that person was a carpenter or a machinist is the debatable part. Either way, when the labor force first got organized, formed a club you might say, became a union, one of their first acts was to, " give themselves a day off. " It was proclaimed as a day to celebrate all the achievements of the working man. In other words, let's celebrate that we actually did our jobs. Oh, and let's get paid for that too. Sounds pretty good doesn't it ? Well, it is a national holiday.
 Now you may have got the hint from that first paragraph that I don't think much of unions. The initial idea and concept of the whole thing was a fine idea, I wouldn't deny that, but they have gone way too far. It is the unions that are destroying the economy of this nation. It is simple really, you can't put the workers in charge of the working. That's like giving an alcoholic a job as a liquor taster. Now, the unions are drunk with power ! Just why do you think the cost of goods and services have risen so very high ? The quick answer is the wages paid to those union workers and their leaders. Alright, it isn't quite that simple but it is the unions that are driving most of this. Sounds great to the worker that is making twenty dollars an hour but it also devalues that twenty to the point it might as well be two. How much of that twenty is going to the union boss ? You Know the guys that don't do any actual work just bargain for you. Oh yeah, it's a real bargain alright. I do the work and you collect the money.
 So without going on about this I will just say, I have never belonged to a union and never will. My father had his tools stolen by union workers when they went out on strike and he refused. Man had to feed his family you know. That was many years ago before my birth. I heard that story many times. I can remember the union trying to force its' way into the IGA. They hired picketers to walk up and down holding signs. None of them ever worked at that store, I did, my mother did, and my brother did. We never asked for a union. Those " hired picketers " never intimidated me or the owners. I remember my brother going up to the A&P store. They had a union. When they told my brother he had to pay dues, he didn't take the job. I'm not working to give you money ! Well, guess I have gone on about it anyway.
 Labor Day, a holiday for workers ! Funny how it has changed from its' original intent. How many union jobs are working on this labor day ? Quite a number of them, in fact. That wasn't was intended though. You can't trust a union. 

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