Monday, August 24, 2015

Working as a hobby ?

 Are you plagued with nagging thoughts and indecision ? I seldom am but find myself in that very position this morning. In most cases I just decide what I want to do and go for it. You could say I have a decisive nature. I believe I got that from Dad. He had a saying for that, " either defecate or remove yourself from the pot " of course that isn't exactly the way he said it but you get the drift. I find myself lingering on the " pot " far too long. I just can't seem to reach a decision about this retirement thing. Do I want to quit working altogether or not ? I only work part time as it is, so just cutting back isn't the answer. Either I stay working part time or I don't ! That is what I am facing.
 Naturally there is the economic factor to be considered. The thing there is economics has never been my primary focus, as long as I have enough to get by, I'm good. It isn't something I stress about. It has always been about the work I do. I like work that is both interesting and fun. Yes, work can be fun if you are doing what you like and are surrounded by good people. Presently I am surrounded by good people, the job isn't what I'd call fun, but not unpleasant. I have a large degree of flexibility by virtue of my son being the district manager.
 This indecisive feeling is quite uncomfortable. I don't like it, at all. I mean I know what the job is but I don't know what retirement is. I suspect it isn't all what I hope it to be,economics does play a big factor there ! It is not that I want to travel or have any expensive hobbies but staying home does increase some costs, not to mention that loss of income. I've thought about staying at work and just using that income for recreational pursuits. Somehow just working for " fun " doesn't seem right. Sounds unnatural. Isn't that a hobby ?  Non-traditional I guess you would say. That might be a viable option however. More indecision.
 What if I did retire and just sit at home ? Would my health decline due to inactivity ? I don't think it is reasonable for me to believe I would join the Y and exercise. I would mow the lawn and do that kind of stuff but exercise ? I don't think so. At work I do a lot of lifting,bending and stretching, call it working though. LOL So that is a nagging thought. Grandma always said, a man is like an old work horse, once they lie down, they die ! Old time wisdom and often holds a great deal of truth. Won't be much fun to be retired and dead.
 I do need to reach a decision soon. I have to give notice. I have always given notice, except once. Once I did just quit and go home. Felt pretty good too. Lowe's home improvement is doing just fine without me so I don't feel remorse about that decision. This decision is different though, I feel like this is final. It reminds me of when I retired from the Navy. I was excited to do so until I stood before those attending my retirement ceremony. As I began to speak I felt a sense of loss. It was like the closing of a door. I went from sailor to " used to be " in about an hour. Bittersweet is the term to describe that. Time made that decision for me, will time make another ? All things in time. There is a season for all things. Maybe the season is Summer vacation ! I'm leaning toward that right now but give me a minute or two. Decisions,decisions.
 Now going back to what Grandma said about an old work horse, she didn't say anything about a hobby horse. Maybe I could work as a hobby and then be a " hobby horse ". Hobby horses are fun and stay busy. All it would take is a change in attitude. Hobby horses don't know they aren't stallions ! That's a good thought and I'll stick with that for a while. Have to think about it. 

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