Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Coming home

 I moved to Greensboro long about 1988. I was going to a new command, a new ship that was homeported in Earle, New Jersey. Now having been born and raised on eastern long island, as I always called it, never the Hamptons, I just had a natural aversion to New Jersey. Everybody knows those Jersey people can't drive and are rude people. Anyone that just lives off an exit on a turnpike is bound to be that way. I hadn't actually been to this Earle, New Jersey place but I knew it wouldn't be good. I also knew it would be expensive. So, my wife having heard of the eastern shore of Maryland, as it is referred to, we determined to ride out there and investigate. She was born and raised in Rivera Beach, Maryland only about an hour or so away. We first looked in Federalsburg but found nothing suitable. A real estate agent suggested Greensboro. We found it, found a place, right on Main Street, and settled in. Been here ever since.
 A lot has happened since I first moved here. I can remember getting a " cordless phone " and that was a big deal. A CD player came after that. A little thing called the internet came along as well. I bought my first computer in Greensboro. Well not in Greensboro proper, we still have no store for that, but while I was living here. Both of my sons graduated from North Caroline High School, go Bulldogs ! They both have since married. One in New York State and the other here in Maryland. He didn't get married in Greensboro, choose the state park in Ridgely instead. It was a drive , near six miles from home, but well worth the trip. I take the grandkids there several times a year. Yup, grandkids were born in Maryland too, except for the New York one, that is. I went to Earle, New Jersey and reported for duty aboard the USS Nitro AE-23. That ship has since been retired and me too ! The ship has been scrapped but I'm still doing alright.
 Following Earle I was fortunate to be stationed in Annapolis at the Naval Academy annex. I enjoyed my time there and it is within commuting distance of Greensboro. I made that trip many times. I toured the academy and became familiar with it's history. Annapolis the city is a fascinating place packed with history, if a bit pricey, but it has a natural charm. I have worked in Greensboro at a manufacturing firm making pulse transformers. Still can't explain exactly what a pulse transformer is but we made'em. That company moved to China, too far to commute, so now I work at Save-A-Lot ! My son is the district manager. He oversees five Save-A-Lot stores for the owner.
 I came to Greensboro to give my wife and children a safe place to live and grow. I made an excellent choice if I don't say so myself. We have all been very happy here and have prospered. One son, Kenny, did find his wife on that Internet thing. He went to New York, ironic as that is where I am from, although he is upstate. He is also the only son that has been to East Hampton. He accompanied me when I went to a class reunion back in '01. My other son Kevin, met and married a young lady from, drum roll, New Jersey ! It was meant to be. Time and distance are no barrier. It could be argued that she is from Florida as she was born there, but her family all live in New Jersey. My sister was born in Florida as well but considers herself from eastern long island.
 My son Kevin has recently announced his candidacy for mayor of Greensboro ! He has served as a commissioner for about five years or so and feels it is time. Let the campaigning begin ! I believe he will make a fine mayor . Perhaps, just perhaps, that is the reason I selected Greensboro in the first place. I was destined to provide them with a mayor. I wasn't aware at the time, that is true, but how many of us can predict fate ? If I could do that I'd be in the stock market.
 Life is what you make it to be. You make choices and live with the consequences of those choices. Occasionally there is " divine intervention " and for that I am grateful. Truth is I need all the help I can get. I believe I received some guidance in this decision to move to Greensboro. It began when I was born on Long Island. I was told about the hazards in New Jersey and remembered those lessons well. :) No offense to anyone from New Jersey intended. Greensboro is a lot like eastern long island. A lot like home. Well for my sons and grandchildren, it is home ! For me, I'm making myself at home here and should be settled in fairly soon. I think I'm gonna like it here.

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