Thursday, August 27, 2015

knowing the answers

 How can we know the path ? That is a question that is very difficult to answer. The answer would have to be different for each of us. Should our path make us happy ? That is central to the answer I believe. Yes, the path should bring us happiness and contentment. Should it do so on a daily basis ? No. That is not a realistic expectation. Do we seek the path or is it path revealed to us ? Do we even get to choose ? If God truly has a plan for us the answer would have to be , no. We do not get to choose. Our only choice would be compliance or non-compliance. Happiness, at least on this plane, can be achieved with either choice. That is the free will our God has given us. Happiness in this life will not however unlock the gate to heaven. The Bible tells us that the only way through the gate is by doing God's work.
 So then how can we know. The answer for me then becomes a question of faith. The answer for you may be different. I must place my trust in my God and in my own good senses. The Bible is my reference and life has been my teacher. Hopefully I have learned a few things over the years. I have had times of happiness and times of sorrow. As a human, I tend to take credit for the happy times and blame God for the bad. Man has a habit of doing that. Even the ancients blamed somebody, or something, for bad weather and bad luck. The truth is, stuff happens. We have little control over things of a celestial nature. We do like to believe we have an influence, but I doubt that.
 Should we seek the path or will it be revealed to us ? I believe we should read the signs along the way but the path has already been decided. If we read the signs we will be prepared for the journey. Our Bibles give us a map, a path to heaven, but we must read it. I do believe we must read it and understand for ourselves what those words say. Just going to church and having the priest or pastor give you his interpretation is not enough. We must all study the word (signs ) for ourselves. It is easy to follow, but our God wants us to lead. At least that is my take on the matter. And the best leaders lead by example ! Leading however, takes work, far more work than just following along.
 Being a leader does have it's perks, that can't be denied. That is evident to even the most casual observer of life. The leader gets to decide. It is always better when we can decide for ourselves, isn't that so ? Everybody wants to be the boss. The boss makes more money and does less work, right ? The boss can come and go as he pleases. Yup, it is nice to be the boss and have no worries. Well, that is the perception most have of being the boss. But, being the boss of what ? The boss of our own happiness ? Having power and money sure is better than weak and broke ! I can't deny that fact. That same money and power can not guarantee happiness but can provide a distraction. It is when we get distracted that we wander off the path. We forget to read the signs. Whether we get distracted by wealth and power or distracted by the struggle of just staying alive, the result will be the same. We get lost. Thing is, anytime we get lost all we have to do is read the sign.
 The path each of us walk has been decided. It is up to us to follow it. That is free will. I do not believe that God allows us to stray or allows bad things to happen. God only allows us to "decide" what course we will follow. No one of us is singled out for favor or misfortune. We are all on the same path in the beginning, The path will end in the same place as well. When the journey is over it will then be decided. How well did you read the signs ? Did you follow them ? What work did you perform ? Did you do your best ? You can know all the answers, but still fail the test !
 In reality there can only be one leader, one boss. The rest of us are " followers. " Having the faith to follow is the challenge we all face. Believing ( belief ) in life everlasting and eternal happiness is the reward. Followers are allowed to question to gain an understanding of the task. Sometimes we don't know what the task is supposed to accomplish but are required to perform it. It's a job. Life , that is. You just need to decide who's the boss !  Hint : it ain't your wife but you had best listen anyway ! I read that sign a long time ago. Ain't your husband either. 

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