Friday, August 28, 2015

regulating humanity ?

 There is an old saying I often heard my grandmother use,advice really, " don't speak ill of the dead. " It was  a reminder that the past can not be changed. Past transgressions whether real or perceived are just that, in the past. It was also a gentle reminder that we all have our faults and shortcomings. We should remember those that have past with kindness in our hearts. Everyone has some good qualities about them. Let the past remain there, in the past. If you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all is another extension of that thinking. I believe, on a personal level, to lie for an eternity in silence, must be the cruelest punishment. A bit of condolence I offer is , you are never gone as long as your name is spoken. The people in my life that have passed are not gone, as long as I speak their names out loud and tell their stories. Those, thankfull very few, that I do not, are gone ! I shall leave them in silence and isolation.
 It does no one any good to dwell upon past unhappiness. Whether that unhappiness was caused by yourself or the actions of others, it is past. If measures have been taken to prevent a future reoccurrence that is all that can be done. The offending party can either be forgiven or ostracized from society. As Christians we are told to exercise forgiveness. None of us are without fault. Forgiveness offers us the opportunity to demonstrate our ability to learn. Forgiveness does not excuse or condone the action just provides an avenue to redemption. In the case of the dead, that road is closed ! Death is final. Do not speak ill of the dead because they can do nothing to rectify their mistakes. In the same vein as, " beating a dead horse. " The horse will go no where.
 I think what Grandma and the old folks were trying to say was, enjoy the things in life that make you happy and forget about the bad. Theirs was a more optimistic approach to life. We tend to be more cynical and jaded these days. Perhaps it is just that man has become weary. Have we lost our enthusiasm for living ? The further "advanced" we become the more we expect ?  Could that be the problem ?  We do tend to expend more energy trying to " correct " the past than living in the present. We are becoming consumed with that notion. The old folks knew better than that. You can't change the past. Take the good from the past and more forward, was the motto of our grandparents.
 This more modern approach is evident in our everyday lives. Consider the news, as reported, today. You do not hear many " good " stories. Conversely the news is flooded with the sensational. You hear of all the crime and the underbelly of society. Subjects only spoken of in hushed whispers are now shouted from the rooftops. Each and every misstep taken is widely reported. Society is divided now more than ever. The propagation of  crime and immoral behavior is the result of this reporting. What is presented as " normal " or " expected " behaviors has changed considerably. Did these behaviors exist in the past ? Of course they did, but they were not broadcast to the general public. They were not " embraced " as relevant social activities. Those committing those acts were ostracized ! .Excuses and explanations were not offered. Their acts were recognized for just what they were, wrong. Now we need to " discuss " and "analyze" those same actions and provide a reason. The thinking being if we know the reason we can prevent that act in the future. We can't. Today we hear about " more gun regulation " being the cure for gun violence. Background checks are required. Nonsense, foreground checks are the only way to prevent something from happening in the future ! Until we get a crystal ball that isn't going to happen. The guns aren't committing the crimes, the criminals are. The focus needs to be upon humanity, not regulation.
 Well, this started out as a musing and has turned into somewhat of a rant. I apologize for that. I do tend to get " passionate " about certain subjects. My country is one of those subjects. Regulation and the removal of " social boundaries " will not unify us. Those actions only divide. We can not rectify the mistakes of the past. We can only learn from those things. Applying that knowledge is the key. The idea that reparations can mend the past is just wishful thinking. They can not. Like speaking ill of the dead, what can it accomplish ? A temporary feeling of superiority ? Fighting a defenseless foe ? Death has placed whatever wrongs the person committed in the past, permanently. Just move on.
 You can not regulate humanity. Humanity is an inherent trait, that's why we are humans. Have we forgotten that lesson ? Do we think we are something more ? When the focus becomes more upon ourselves than the betterment of mankind in general that may be the result. We move from compassion to regulation. .

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