Saturday, August 1, 2015


 There is a fairly new game that has caught on here in Maryland. It's called Cornhole. I'm not sure if it is played in other states or not. I look at it as a replacement for lawn darts, which were outlawed and considered too dangerous. I'm not a big fan of the name but I think the " drinking " crowd gets a good laugh out of it. The old " double entendre " thing. Guess I've outgrown that stage. I'm old and cranky now. Anyhow, they have a state championship for this " sport. " Teams must travel around around competing in various tournaments to earn points. Kinda like Nascar I think. Today the tournament comes to Greensboro, Maryland. My grandson Mark and I will be entering. Hey, we have played this game in his backyard, we got a shot. I mean , how hard can it be ? You stand twenty seven feet from a hole cut in a board and throw a bean bag ( corn is inside really) into the hole. We got this.
 Now this game has caught on and is played like horseshoes used to be played. It's a sport where drinking is encouraged, hence its' popularity. I will admit it is a relaxing way to spend a few hours, trash talking and having a bit if fun. I just leave out the drinking part these days. Like most things nowadays though it has been commercialized. Someone has figured out a way to make money off of it. There is an entry fee but prizes can be won. That attracts us amateurs, the lure of the prize. Can we defeat the pros ? I think we can ! We just need to have a good day. We practiced a little bit yesterday and got our arms in shape. Today we put on the game faces. It's go time.
 My son Kevin, who is a councilman here in Greensboro, brought the tournament to town. He contacted the organization to get included on the circuit. Of course there is a fee involved, but they bring all the equipment and set it up all official like. The official scorers are there and the competition I'm sure will be intense. The fire department will be providing the concessions. Might get a scrapple sandwich and a coffee. The outsiders (pros ) will come in feeling confident I'm sure. They have never been to Greensboro though. Now we know how to handle a bag of corn around here ! They are in for a  surprise. Grandpa and Mark are primed and ready for the challenge. Bean bags, er corn bags at 10:30. We start early here in the country you know. Bring'em on ! The only thing left for us to do is figure out how to spend that prize money. Maybe hand dipped ice cream at our favorite ice cream shop. We'll spend the rest on polish for the trophy ! 

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