Saturday, August 15, 2015

Rituals and habit

 It has been so throughout recorded history. It was so in oral histories. I would propose that it has always been so. It has continued unbroken from uncivilized man to civilized man, and that would be the performing of ritual. Man has always performed rituals.These rituals were to ensure safe passage and comfort on our journey through life. Many of us continue with this practice even today, although sadly I feel it is on the decline, at least traditional ritual is. Foremost in the christian tradition is attending church on Sunday. It is my belief that rituals are important to man and serve as a reminder of our place in the world. We are insignificant creatures compared to the wonders of nature. Frail beings prone to sickness and self inflicted harm. What is worse is the damage we cause to our own environment and our propensity to attack our fellow humans. We even developed " rituals " for those actions ! But rituals , by their very nature, are supposed to be a religious thing, a reminder to us just who, or what, is in control. Modern man has foolishly decided that " we " may be in control. I must laugh and scoff in derision at such a notion.
 When I was a child I went to church every Sunday, mom made sure of that. I participated in  and learned the rituals associated with the Episcopal church  It was fundamental to my upbringing. At some point it became more habit than ritual though. I think that happens with a lot of us. Perhaps that is why some change churches often, seeking a new ritual. Perhaps that is why some remain with the same church their entire lives, it becomes habit. Should rituals be performed habitually ?  That doesn't seem right. Habits are done without thought and rituals should inspire thought. Rituals are reminders. That is why I pray on my knees to remind me to be humble. I was taught to bow my head, not look upward. Church is a place to reflect and seek guidance, not a place to sing and dance. Church is a solemn event.
Those actions are part and parcel of the rituals I was taught, became familiar with, and eventually became habit. There are times when I crave those rituals, part of the habit, and other times I just quit. I admit it is mostly having " quit " these last years. The reason is an easy one, it is far easier to not perform those rituals than to commit to them. You could say it speaks to " commitment " and that is a fair statement. The forming of habit requires repetition ! Repetition requires commitment, or does it ?Are all habits, bad ?
 Of course, the opposite is just as easily justified with the statement, you can pray or worship anywhere. There is no right or wrong way to perform a ritual. Rituals are prescribed by an organization, not by God. The real question is, are rituals necessary at all ?
 It is my thought and my belief that rituals are indeed a necessary part of our lives. These rituals provide us with guidance and do serve as reminders. They can force us to focus upon those things that are most important, our spiritual health being the primary one. If you do not have a strong spirit you will be weak willed. The weak willed do not survive for long. There is ample evidence to support that. Habit can be an example. Consider the drug addict or habitual abuser of alcohol. Weak willed people both, slave to their habit. They are aware of the habit and it's ill effects, yet continue. They give it little thought, they just surrender. So too many attending church behave in a similar fashion. They perform the " ritual " out of habit, but give it little thought. But there is a fundamental difference. The difference is the habit being formed. The habit of performing a ritual can be comforting and even healing in its' properties. As long as the ritual soothes the soul of man it should be performed. Truth is, we should make it a habit. The thing is, make the ritual the habit, but its' essence your strength. The essence of ritual is God.
 Uncivilized man knew that so why are " civilized " peoples ignoring it ? It just may be the expectation of return modern man so desires. The uncivilized man only wanted to survive. He did so by a strong will. He offered prayers to his " GOD " whatever he conceived God to be. It was only later, when we became civilized, that we began to prescribe the rituals deemed necessary. These rituals naturally reflected the views of the powerful. You could say the rituals became more self serving than God serving. That is another discussion altogether. My point being this, rituals, in their essence are appeals to God for help and guidance. Form a habit of performing your ritual to do just that. The type of ritual you choose is a personal one. Is your rituals primary focus on " praise " for your God or on an appeal for his guidance and help ? What is the fundamental purpose of a ritual ? Is it to be humbled before your God seeking comfort and relief, or to just praise him for what a great job he has done ? Well, there is another topic of discussion, one that may inflame heated debate. Think I'll leave that alone for now.

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