Friday, August 21, 2015


 The summer of 2015. The summer that wasn't : for me. Oh, it has been hot and humid alright, summer was here, but it is gone. That is to say school begins next Monday. Funny how even with Grandchildren the year is measured by the school calendar. It has been for us and I expect it will remain so for at least another six years. That is when Morgan, the youngest would graduate high school. Her brother Mark just entered those halls this year, at least he will on Monday. Doesn't seem to be a big deal to him. I remember that as being a big deal. Middle school was the big step for him and his sister. It was the lockers that was the big deal really. They worried and fretted over those lockers and knowing the combination. They even had to practice that on the first day of school. Of course, all of that is old hat now. Morgan , in her second year at Lockerman middle school is confident and laughing at those junior classmates. Imagine having to practice opening your locker, how juvenile ! Mark has already tried out for and made the soccer team at the high school. He is officially a Bulldog ! Yes, it is junior varsity, but a member of the team and so gives him a slight advantage over the other incoming freshmen. I understand how that can be so important when you are his age.
 This summer has come and gone with such speed I feel like I missed it. No camping trip, no going to the beach and no vacation of any kind. I haven't even put a fishing line in the water. that makes two years in a row that I haven't done that. My priorities have obviously become confused. Well, maybe next year. There has been no cookout this year either. Oh, we have had things off the grill and all that but no " official " cookout. It just seems everyone was too busy with other stuff. Perhaps it is time to expand my social circle. We do live in a rather small circle, the wife and I, almost isolated you might say. It is by choice but guess it wouldn't hurt to get out more. Maybe we should take up drinking wine, that seems to be a popular pastime. I hear it is very sophisticated. Last wine I drank was Boone's farm or Ripple ! I guess it you put those wines in a stemmed glass that would be alright. Course, I've never seen those on the wine list. I wonder why that is ? Well, my thoughts have strayed off somewhere. They must have gone with the summer. 
 Fall will be arriving and with it the falling of the leaves. I really like the fall and the cool evenings. It is great to just build a fire and sit outside close to it. I love the smell of burning leaves and woodsmoke. I'll watch the squirrels for signs of winter and check the woolly worms. Good hearty meals will reappear, like stews and roasts. Baking resumes, bread and cookies. The windows open during the day and closed at night. You might say my summers are over and I have entered fall. I get social security now, is that the marker ? A song comes to mind, Moonlight in Vermont. I remember hearing that on the Stardust album by Willie Nelson. A sentimental song, kinda sad, yet somehow encouraging. There I go again, wandering.

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