Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The "new" school

 Forty four years ago I graduated from the " new " high school. I still think of it that way, although it certainly has undergone many changes over the years. I even heard a rumor that a new building may be in the works. It is strange how that works. To me that building will always be the new school. At that time, in that place the old high school became the middle school. We didn't have a middle school prior to that. There was two school buildings. The elementary school and the high school. Elementary school went to the sixth grade. Following elementary school we went to seventh and eighth grade. At least that is what we called it. It was in the high school building. I confess that the years have been so many that I have forgotten some of the details. I just remember we didn't call it middle school.
 There was a time when the old high school housed all the grades. That was long before my time though. I have vague memories of going to school at a place we called Skimhampton. A new elementary school was built while I was there and I may have gone to this new school when I was in third grade. This school is the John Marshall elementary school that as far as I know is still in use today. I would expect some changes have taken place to that building as well. And so I can say I saw two new schools built during my time in school. I wasn't in the first graduating class from that elementary school but I was in the first from the new high school.
 I have fond memories of those days and those schools. I have to say the best was the old high school. That high school sits on Newtown lane and is very close to downtown. During the years I attended that building we were allowed to go downtown for lunch. Well, at least the upper classes were. I don't remember if the seventh and eighth graders were allowed or not. It is a big old fashioned looking building. A large stairway leads to the front entrance. I remember those big old wooden windows and the teacher throwing them open when the weather was warm. No air conditioning in that building. On a spring day those open windows could prove to be a distraction. There was the basement, where some history classes were taught and the art room was down there. There were two other floors. I loved going up and down those steps for a reason I still can't explain. My own parents had attended school in that building. My dad told me the story of the hurricane of '38 and how he snuck out the door. The principal was keeping all the children there for safety. Dad had to get home to take care of his grandmother. Mom told stories about she and her sisters going there. It is a building filled with stories and knowledge ! A real high school like you see in those old movies. Blackboards in every room ! No whiteboards or smart boards or computers. We did have calculators so technically we did have a computer so I retract that last statement. We had no vending machines in that school and study hall was for studying. Some teachers would allow you to read other books than text books or draw pictures but never playing games or anything like that.
 Next year my grandson Mark will be going to high school. Elementary for him ended at fifth grade. The middle school is six,seven and eight. The middle school is quite a bit like high school. As an institution of higher learning it is more like an institution ! You have to ring a buzzer to gain access to the building. It wasn't like that in my day. You just walked in the door and went about your business. Now we have to be more concerned with security. The students can not leave the grounds during the day. We were free to pretty much come and go. That is if we had a note from Mom. A note from Mom was as good as a note from the president of the United States back then. Times change and security tightens.
 I am thankful that I got to go to the old high school for those years. It was an experience that many will never know. It is pretty cool to have the distinction of being the first grading class from the " new " high school, especially after forty four years ! Just goes to show how time is relative, just like Einstein said. It is the " new " school to me.

The old high school, now the middle school 

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