Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The American Conscience

Conscience : the inner sense of what is right and wrong in one's conduct or motive, impelling one toward right action ( morally right or wrong )
 It is this word that entered my thinking yesterday as I wrote my morning blog. Conscience is what governs a nation. But, what exactly is conscience ? I went to my trusted source Google, and retrieved a definition. There are also many articles one can read about the subject. The consensus being that " conscience " is an inherent trait. We are born with a sense of right and wrong. One does not need to acknowledge a particular religious bent to have a conscience. I submit that religion certainly reinforces those inherent feelings of right and wrong.
 Now there is much discussion and debate about the government of this country. Foremost in the discussion in the past few years is the separation of Church and State. It is true that our government does not recognize nor endorse any one religious sect or order. That is written into the constitution. What is not written in that same document is the disregarding of conscience. That document, composed in part by a delegation of fifty five men, all men of faith, acting upon their own conscience. They all agreed that they were being unfairly treated by the King of England. It was their conscience that told them so. It was their conscience that moved them to action. That is the official line, is it not ? It is what we were taught and lead to believe. No, that is not. What we are taught is that they opposed taxation without representation. It was about money ! Funny how we seem to miss that point isn't it ? We are taught about independance. The motivations are not of primary concern here though, it is the action I am concerned with. That action began with a Declaration ! We declared that all men have certain inalienable rights. Those rights are given to us by Divine providence ! We should be free to act upon our conscience ! That is what that document says. This body of fifty five agreed upon that premise. No one God or denomination was selected as a representation of that conscience. That is the separation maintained. It does not mean a guarantee to act without conscience. The actions of conscience are universal, they are those inalienable rights. Faith alone sustains that belief. No laws can be written to enforce or delineate those rights.
 When we abandon faith, we abandon conscience. It is conscience that governs a nation. When we allow that conscience to be subverted by wealth and power the disintegration of the country begins. Makes no difference if this happens by those with no belief or those that profess belief. Religion has always been used to shape conscience. Unfortunately it is religion that has caused some terrible breaches. I am not saying we should abandon religion, quite the contrary, rather that we should embrace faith. That begins with belief in yourself and your perception of what is right and wrong. You should examine in your heart those actions you wish to take. Do not judge them against what gain you may receive but against the impact it has on others.
 My time for writing is running short this morning and so I'll try to wrap up my thought. It is far easier to act contrary to conscience and enjoy immediate gains. Those wishing for those gains will make compelling arguments in their favor. Scholars will write thesis and attempt to explain everything. I see this happening right now. I see many people being fooled. I see so many advocates for the free for all thinking of those without conscience. I am left with a big question, Where is the American Conscience ? 

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