Tuesday, March 17, 2015

stirring the pot

 An old phrase my dad used a lot came to mind as I was watching the evening news, " stirring the pot. " That is just what the newscasters seemed to be doing too, stirring the pot. I wasn't hearing any insightful analysis of the news, or a unbiased reporting of the facts. I miss Walter. The majority of the events being reported were designed to incite. There is a big difference between inciting and informing and the news should be informative. I have noticed this trend in recent years and I guess it is good for ratings. I mean people watch Maury and Jerry for the same reason ! It has little to do with being informed about the days events and everything to do with getting people riled up. The evening news in particular has turned into nothing more than a political platform. The integrity of the reporters are constantly in question as well. Think Bryan Williams. Ah for the good old days where at least an illusion of integrity was maintained. And not only that reporters exercised good judgement in what they reported. Personal items were not reported in the news and everyone was treated with respect. You certainly can't say that is the case nowadays.
 It is this " stirring of the pot " that troubles me the most. I can't see where it leads to anything constructive, quite the contrary in fact. You now have individuals that believe all manner of distorted views based upon these " reputable " reporters. The trouble makers and rebel rousers get all the attention. Like bullies in the classroom they get the attention. Ever notice how occasionally the news will do a piece on someone that has done something noble. Take for example Robert Downey who just gave a little boy a prosthetic arm. This was reported sure, but it was reported as though it were a rare instance. This is something unusual. Murder,rape,robbery,drugs and all manner of vice is not reported in that fashion. No, those things are the everyday staples of the news. Corrupt politicians, government fraud and waste and the supposed rampant prejudice in this country now that is what is reported. Is it any wonder these crimes are on the rise ? Just what is being fed to the American people ?
 In the not so distant past these crimes were reported upon in a totally different fashion. The perpetrators were presented as evil people that had done wrong. Now, these same criminals are often shown as just needing help and somehow underprivileged. Often it is reported that they need our " support " because they have a mental illness. It is not their fault. Every little detail is reported also. I remember when certain specifics of a crime were not reported to the general public. You would hear phrases like, horrific abuse or unmentionable acts. Today it is very graphic and very detailed ! It is almost as we are being told we should not punish these criminals nor feel contempt for their actions. The latest trend is to rename certain crimes so they don't even sound criminal. Think " undocumented immigrant " for one example. It is illegal to just sneak across our border no matter your reason. The underlying message being, it is not that bad. Committing a crime for the " right " reason is okay. I remember when a crime, was crime ! Another message being sent is, breaking a law is a judgement call on your part. If you feel like you should be allowed to do whatever, just do it. You can always hire a lawyer to defend you or contact the Civil Liberties Union. They will defend almost any action you choose to take. It'll be alright.
 For me it is getting more difficult to take the evening news, as reported, seriously. The news anchors show their politics with frequency. I don't see even a hint of impartiality in their opinion pieces. The news is being used to push an agenda. I wish for the days when the facts were reported, without bias, and you were left to form an opinion. The days when the news anchor was a trusted source and a person to be admired. More often than not these days the news anchor is being chosen for her good looks rather than her journalistic integrity. Meteorologists are like that too ! Walter and David where are you ? Is Charlie Rose the best the networks have to offer ? Well, it doesn't work for me. 

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