Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gender Issues

 I read an interesting article about a lady in a Planet Fitness club. She was in the locker room when a man walks in. This man identifies himself as transgender. The lady complains to the manager of the club. She is told that Planet Fitness is a " no judgement " zone and the man is allowed to use whichever locker room he wishes. Subsequent to that she writes to the corporate offices of Planet Fitness and is told the same thing. She continues to go to the club buts " warns " other ladies about this. She is warned, by management, to not do this. She continues and then Planet Fitness revokes her membership and bans her from the club. Now, that sounds like Planet Fitness did indeed make a judgement. They judged her actions inappropriate, the " warning " of other patrons, and barred her. 
 Setting aside my opinion of this " transgender  identity " I couldn't help but feel this was wrong. If this is going to be allowed should it not be conspicuously posted ? I would think that it should ! Now in all fairness the article didn't address whether this policy was posted or not. I'm thinking that the " no judgement zone " policy statement was intended to cover that situation without having to spell it out. A lawyer's trick in this politically correct world. We certainly wouldn't want to offend anyone ! Problem there is, the ones that may be offended are also the ones to quickly point out their differences ! That is, if it isn't immediately obvious. And to me it is not a " judgement " to identify you based upon your body parts. I think basing your gender in that fashion is more of a conclusion based upon the evidence. I'm not a mind reader.
 I am not advocating for a ban against this policy. That is the choice of the business owner. I do think this policy needs to be spelled out completely and plainly ! I can choose whether I wish to patronize the business. As far as it being a dangerous thing, I don't believe it is. Sexual predators don't really pay attention to policy. On a personal level I do not like the policy and would not use those facilities. I would feel quite uncomfortable with all that. I'm not much on the whole " unisex " thing. Without going into the whole big thing I just believe in observing the proprieties at all times. It has been said, " all prejudice presents itself as propriety " and I can't dispute that claim. We all have prejudice and in this I am prejudiced. There is no shame in honesty. Prejudice is based in judgement. Judgement is dependant upon a majority consensus. Right and wrong is so determined. That has always been so in society. The " norms " are so established. 
 I believe all this is a part of the aging process. The things we took to be constants are now changing. New " norms " being established. It is quite unsettling. I can only base my judgements upon the past, both the past I have experienced and the past I have read about. To embark upon fundamental changes in societal norms is a serious matter. We need only look to the past to see the devastating effects those changes may have. We can also look to the past and find examples of positive changes just as readily. I do tend toward the more conservative approach. Look before you leap ! Once the leap has begun there is no stopping until you hit the bottom ! 
 Having read the article and given it some thought I find myself with a different attitude than the one I had initially. I now feel like this incident could have been avoided with a clear policy statement. I can understand the lady's position and her discomfort with this policy. I first thought it was wrong of Planet Fitness to allow this. It is their choice, their business. The real issue here is one of disclousure. The " constants " are changing. Living in a society where almost " everything " goes is certainly challenging. It is difficult for us old folks to keep up. Guys are girls and girls are guys ? Was a day when it was easy to tell, today, not so much. 

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