Monday, March 9, 2015

a message

 Every now and again snippets of poems , lyrics or literature pop into the forefront of my thoughts. As I sat down this morning pondering what to write about this came to mind, " there's no need to wallow in the mire. " The rest of the song didn't enter my thoughts until later on. The rest of the song was unimportant to me. What I was left thinking about about was, just what mire am I stuck in ? The answer is, I am stuck in my own thoughts and emotions. Is this a signal to stop and look around ? It very well could be.
 The words, lyrics and poetry of others are written to express something the writer has felt or experienced. They are explanations. When we connect with those explanations we understand completely. That is why we sometimes get lost in those other worlds, the world of literature, plays, movies or even rock concerts. Living vicariously it is called. Living through another is the simple term. It could very well be that I am living within myself too much. In other words I need to lighten up. I try to guard against taking myself too seriously. It has been my experience that if you don't take yourself too seriously you will not be disappointed. It is a method of self defense. Our feelings of self worth are often fragile, easily damaged. It is in that " mire " that we may get stuck. Self doubt and self pity, and on occasion frustration.
 There is some expectation that is not being met. I believe that is what is happening with me. I do not know what that expectation is however. Another mire ? Just what it is that I require at this time ? Whatever it is, it is not within myself. That is the feeling I get anyway. But the thing is I also know that lasting satisfaction must come from within yourself. External stimuli can provide temporary pleasure but long term comes from within. It just could be that I have somehow disappointed myself. Introspection may be required. On the other hand, " there's no need to wallow in the mire. " Just move along. That's good advice for the most part. I think that is the message I received this morning. 

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